The Minor Lines in Palm Reading

The Minor Lines of the palm, (also referred to as the Secondary Lines), are examined because they hold the keys to understanding an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, passions, natural talents and habits. Here we discuss the most significant of the Minor Lines commonly visible, as there are many lines that are not always present on everyone.
Minor Lines of Palmistry and Their Meanings
The meaning of the Minor Lines varies from person to person, depending on their intensity, other markings within them, and any other lines nearby or crossing them. As you review this article, remember that it is quite common for some people to have very faint Minor Lines, or some of them are missing completely. Because of this, it is most important for us to discuss the more common of the Minor Lines, present on most people.
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The Minor Lines we will interpret for you in this article include:
- Fate Line (or Line of Destiny/Career Line/Saturn Line)
- Marriage Lines (or Love/Relationship/Affection Lines)
- Sun Line (or Line of Apollo)
- Children Lines
- Health Line (or Line of Liver)
- Bracelet Lines (or Rascette/Wrist Lines)
- Intuition Line
The Fate Line
The Fate Line can be found running vertically up the palm, starting somewhere at the base of the palm and leading toward the base of the middle finger. This line is related to your life path, especially when it comes to your career – such as obstacles you may face professionally, achievements, and career changes.
- Clear, deep and straight without crosses: Good fortune in career life
- Breaks in the line: Loss, failure, or hard luck may be experienced
- No line visible: No permanent or lifelong occupation, changes jobs often
- Double or sister line with it: Prominent and renowned career
Marriage Lines
The Marriage Line(s) are located right at the base of your pinky finger. These lines do not necessarily indicate the “number of marriages” you will have in your lifetime, but rather the amount of meaningful significant relationships in your lifetime. There may be one line, or there may be many; these are indicators of your ability to commit in partnerships, and your general attitude when it comes to love.
- Longer and well-defined: Ability to commit to long term relationships
- Only one, straight and long: Strong and long lasting love
- Shorter and faint: Reflects relationships that do not last or impatience toward the opposite sex
- Curved downward: Indicates a partner with a shorter life span, and/or marital clashes
- Curved upward: Settled married life and consistent love – the higher it goes, the happier the
person is - Forks at the beginning or end: May signify divorce
- Islands: Reflect issues, conflict and obstacles
Sun Line
The Sun Line begins right below the ring finger, originating on the Sun Mount and continuing downwards. If a Sun Line (or Apollo Line) is present it indicates luck, wealth and success (especially from a very young age). This represents an individual with confidence, creativity, and drive to put into force of action. A missing Sun Line does not mean an individual will not be lucky or successful, but the presence of it can mean many different things.
- Very short: May indicate an ordinary life without any overwhelming fame; may not experience genuine joy until old age
- Absent: Reflects a life of never obtaining great success no matter how hard you try.
- Clear: Someone with a love of literature and art
- Runs all the way from under the ring finger to the wrist: Likely wealth and fame attraction
- Thick: Someone who enjoys showboating and needs attention and praise for their work
- Two or more Sun Lines: Reflects someone with many different interests and/or divided attention
- Islands: Trouble with reputation and therefore also affects their wealth and confidence
Children Lines
The Children Line(s) are found below the little finger, above (or possibly crossing over) the Marriage/Relationship Lines in vertical format. In the traditional interpretation of Chinese Palmistry, these lines indicate how many children you will have or have the potential to have. However they can also represent someone who is a caretaker of children – such as a teacher, counselor or adoptive/foster parent.
- Broad and/or deep: Can indicate male children
- Narrow and/or shallow: Can indicate female children
- Islands: At the beginning of the line – reflects children who are weak or sick early in life; at the end
of the line – reflects children who are difficult to raise on the psyche - Curved or crooked: Indicative of children who are very delicate, and may be
constantly ill - Taller line than the others: Indicates a child who may be the “favorite” of the parents
Health Line
Sometimes referred to as the “Line of Liver,” this line actually has no set or “fixed” location it originates from. It may start below the little finger and extend across the palm to the base of the thumb, while other times it may connect with the Life Line. If this line is missing, do not fret – it doesn’t mean bad health for you!
It may actually show that you simply have no health problems, which is a good thing. But if it is present, it is helpful to know that the top of the line represents health in your younger years, the middle represents your health as an adult, and the bottom represents your health in old age. It is also reflective of those who contain the ability of being able to heal others.
- Unbroken and strong: Great strength, especially within the ability to work hard toward success
- Wavy: Tendency to possess anxiety and nervousness
- Broken: Poor health issues that will affect business and professional situations
- Crossed/intersected horizontally: Individual is very accident prone
- Branch toward Life Line: Possibly indicates a life-threatening condition in old age
- Islands: Could reflect the current need for hospitalization
The Minor Lines – Bracelet Lines (Rascette Lines)
These lines are located at the base of the palm on the wrist. Most people have three lines, while some people have four; four Bracelet Lines is considered to be extremely lucky! They’re indicative of general health and longevity, as well as how well the mind, body and spirit are balanced. The first bracelet closest to the palm represents youth, the middle represents adult life, and the last bracelet represents old age.
- Thick, long and straight: Sound health (age depending on which line being analyzed)
- Thin, curved or broken: Poor health and/or weak body (age depending on which line being
analyzed) - 4th line: Indicates a long life past the age of 90, strong sense of social existence in the physical
world, bearing many children, and/or having good luck - All lines are thin and faint: Expensive taste and indulgent tendencies; therefore, also a lack of
accomplishment - All lines are thick and deep: Reflects having many children; for women, successful childbirth
- Islands: For men – kidney issues, for women – heart and/or lung issues
- Crosses: If multiple across lines, individual doesn’t take good care of themself. Men can suffer
kidney diseases while women will have menstrual and/or conception issues - Breaks: Indicates severe physical exhaustion
The Minor Lines – Intuition Line
This line is rare, and is located below the little finger that curves toward the middle of the palm and back, to the outside. It illustrates the fact that the individual has a strong sense of insight and can sense the energy in the room and of others instantly. It means exactly what its name represents: intuition.
Those with this line are highly sensitive and empathic, and possess psychic abilities. If this line is missing or faint, it doesn’t mean that the person is not capable of these abilities, as there are other indicators of being intuitive and psychic, (such as the shape of the hand).
- Clear and defined: Strong psychic abilities being used to their potential
- Clear and shallow: Psychic and intuitive abilities of which the individual may not be utilizing or
only uses sporadically - Broken: Indicates someone who is overly empathic, and needs to keep an eye on their health as
they absorb others’ energies easily - Non-Continuous: Reflects someone who dislikes authority, repetitive work, and therefore may be
By learning how to read your own palm, you can start to recognize your unique traits, natural talents and unconscious habits – all of which will better assist you in planning out a happy and healthy life!
If you are interested in learning more about other factors in palm reading, you can check out our articles on The Major Lines, The Mounts and other Markings.
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