Money predictions for October

Looking for money predictions for October? Stars have shown what to expect for October 2018 in what comes to money. Come and check it out.
Money predictions for October according to your zodiac sign
The financial situation will seem complicated for the natives of Aries, during the month of October. Not only will Uranus retrograde enter in House 2 of the sign, but the asteroid Juno will enter in the same location on the 24th October.
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Uranus retrograde in the House 2 of Aries refers to outlandish ideas when managing and getting resources that, while they may have a positive base, will not be used in full, due to the lack of planning and haste in the processes.
Besides that Juno retrograde in this position of the astral chart, refers to payment commitments (debts) that at the time passed by, but now you must honor, under penalty of suffering major mishaps in the future or damage your credit history.
Fortunately, Jupiter is in the 8th House of Aries, so you will have the support of close relatives to solve any eventuality. However, it is crucial that you keep in mind that Venus will be in apparent decline in the same sector, starting on October 5th.
Retrograde Venus in the House 8th of Aries means that, although you receive the economic and moral support of your loved ones, this is generating some issues. Some may think that you are irresponsible for taking advantage of the goodness of others. If you want to break this negative pattern, do not enter into direct confrontation with the members of your family. Remember that Mars, your ruling planet, is under the influence of Aquarius, a transit that can make you a benefactor or a tyrant, in the eyes of others.
The Full Moon in Taurus on October 24th, will affect the House 2 of Aries, announcing the right moment to nip in the bud with the habits that block your relationship with money, sabotaging the confidence of others in your economic discretion.
In the labor field, dedicate time to the organization of your pending ideas and tasks. The entry of Mercury in the 9th House of Aries on the 31st of October, will open the doors to opportunities for professional and academic expansion, especially in areas such as international contacts and learning new languages.
More predictions for October here.
The natives of Taurus should be careful with the management of their income during the month of October. The retrograde of Juno in the House 2 of the sign, from October 11th, warns about economic commitments, which cannot be avoided.
In detail, we talk about dispensable or superfluous minor expenses, which distance you from a larger objective that requires a greater investment, such as a medical intervention, university studies, travel, buying or renting a property, a new vehicle, or seed capital for your own business.
The passage of Juno retrograde in the Taurus 2nd House, will show that this type of behavior goes beyond being possessive with the management of resources, which you get on your own, and your destiny.
Actually, it is a deep blockage, motivated by the fear of transformation. Keep in mind that Uranus is retrograde in Taurus, and the same retrograde Juno will join you, on October 24th.
These alignments can manifest in two directions: detect the patterns that you must modify, to move forward, or close your eyes and continue walking in circles.
It should be noted that the Full Moon of October 24th, will take place in the sign Taurus, alluding to a moment of clarity about this type of situation, and behaviour habits associated with self-sabotage.
On the other hand, on October 31st, Mercury will enter the 8th House of Taurus, announcing new financial possibilities, especially for those who participate in family businesses, or with their sentimental partner.
In the labour field, the presence of the Sun in House 6 of Taurus, until the 22nd October, indicates the possibility of a promotion, change of department or assignment of a new project, with unexpected challenges.
In the work environment, you will enjoy a particularly harmonious climate, and your hierarchical superiors, and personnel from other areas will recognise your dedication to professional goals. It is important to bear in mind that, with Mars in the 10th House of Taurus, you will be interested in projecting your professional image at all costs (almost as in a competition), which can generate conflicts with colleagues.
We cannot forget that both Neptune and Chiron are in the House 11 of Taurus fulfilling its retrograde phase, which means that the sensitivity of third parties will be on the surface. It also alerts on being practical when managing teams, and do not underestimate the scope of your words or do the work in advance.
You can be a positive leader or a tyrant who resents your step, due to Mars in House 10. The decision will be in your hands, but remember that fear does not imply respect. Finally, Taurus students should take advantage of the tranquility of the first weeks of October, to adjust their curriculum, since at the end of the month the pace of work will be really dizzying.
More predictions for October here.
The finances will remain stable for the natives of Gemini during the month of October. The presence of Saturn, Pluto and Vesta in House 8, speaks of sobriety in the management of shared property with relatives, partners or associates. Given that the New Moon in Libra on October 8, will affect the House 5 of Gemini, it is possible that you will become the inspiration of the group, in terms of investment and business options.
The lunar event, aligned with the energy of Ceres, will also attract interesting work proposals to your area of action. Probably not a new job, but to take the reins of a project or team. In this sense, it is advised not to make negative or insidious comments in the professional environment, because the retrograde of Venus in the House 6 of Gemini, indicates that people of dubious intentions observe your movements.
As the Sun will enter this sector of the astral map, House VI of Gemini, on the 23rd, it will expose the bad maneuvers behind you, so do not rush, and let everything fall by its own weight. Mercury, the planet of communication and regent of Gemini, will also visit House 6, from October 9 to 30, which translates into new professional connections.
The most important astrological aspect of the season will be the Venus Star Point, which will take place on October 26th. On this date, the planet of desire will be in the phase of apparent backwardness in House 6 of Gemini, so it will be the perfect opportunity to reveal your true intentions in the workplace. With this information, it will be clear where to focus, instead of wasting resources on something that does not give you the satisfaction and compensation, which you know you deserve.
Finally, Gemini students will enjoy a busy period, thanks to the presence of Mars in House 9 of the sign, an excellent planetary position to initiate learning processes, travel and get in touch with people from other cultures.
More predictions for October here.
Money predictions for October indicate that the finances will remain stable for the natives of Cancer during the month. The presence of Mars in House 8 of the sign, indicates a leadership position in matters related to business and shared property with family or partner. Although it is a favourable planetary position when launching ventures, it is advisable to avoid assuming the position of “know-it-alls” and encourage yourself to listen to the opinions and concerns of others, since we are talking about a joint heritage.
It is worth noting that the presence of the asteroid Pallas in the 3rd House of Cancer, reminds you of the strategic importance of communication when developing a project, or drawing objectives. In this sense, you may experience some frustration because your ideas do not fit into the work environment or between your co-workers, and transfer negative feelings to the family business. The vulnerability becomes evident with Psyche in House 6, starting on the 5th October.
Keep in mind that with retrograde Uranus in House 11, it does not mean that your ideas are bad, but that others are not in a receptive mood, or are more interested in their own conflicts.
Therefore, instead of leaving aside your initiatives, reflect on them, make the necessary adjustments and prepare different approaches. You have the ability to solve everything that you propose, because you are an individual of great creativity.
For Cancer students, October will be a period in which they will feel drained energetically, due to Neptune and Chiron retrograde in House 9. Despite the interest in finding situations that allow evasion, it is essential that you do not forget your responsibilities, or you will receive a blow of reality, sooner rather than later.
More predictions for October here.
The presence of Pallas in the 2nd House of Leo will allow efficiently reorganize personal finances, and optimize available resources that, although not excessive, managed skilfully will cover the acquired commitments. Keep in mind that you have Neptune and Chiron retrograde in your House 8, so it will not be surprising that your family or you and your partner show a purchase or investment plan, a little crazy.
Before questioning the criterion of the other, it is advisable to take a more receptive attitude and explain the conditions of the operation from the practical point of view, such as risks, taxes, additional payments and remember that trust is something delicate.
There is no need to underestimate the initiatives of third parties, to make the voice of reason heard. With respect and good energy it will be possible, and then you will also cement your position as a family counsellor. In the workplace, the seriousness with which you undertake your work will be recognised by your peers (Saturn and Pluto in the 6th House of Leo), and you will have the opportunity to gain positions, although not as fast as you expected.
Uranus is in retrograde in Leo’s 10th House, place where the asteroid Juno makes its entrance also in phase of retreat, which translates into a feverish activity directed to the professional field, which affects other aspects of your life, specifically the sentimental area.
With Uranus retrograde in this position of the astral chart, it is likely that you will call the attention of your superiors or future associates, for inadequate reasons. It is preferable that you keep low profile, and direct the energy towards the consolidation of specific objectives, which will provide you with greater value in the labor field.
For Leo students, October will be a quiet season, where they will share time with their closest friends. Attention to the possibilities of romance, which will increase with the entrance of Psyche, in your House 5.
More predictions for October here.
Money predictions for October indicate that during the first half of the month, the Sun and the dwarf planet Ceres will remain in House 2 of Virgo, which will keep finances on the rise, with good chances of receiving an increase or bonus. Additionally, the New Moon in Libra on October 8th, will touch Virgo’s 2nd House, pointing out new financial opportunities that may involve a new position or job, the start of an enterprise, or the idea of starting to market a hobby.
However, do not let the bonanza go to your head, because you will fall into a whirlpool of superfluous spending and impulsive purchases, which will compromise your peace of mind. Evaluate your budget, and determine how much you can spend, without significant restrictions at the end of the month.
In the workplace, Mars in the 6th House of Virgo, will be a challenge to the new professional obligations that may arise, and if the work involves sharing with groups, the enthusiasm will be greater. Important: keep in mind that Mars in the 6th House will make you feel invincible and inexhaustible, so many Virgo natives will go to work as if it will not exist tomorrow. It is possible that this type of behaviour has repercussions on your health in the long term.
The retrograde of Uranus in the 9th House of Virgo, conflicting emotions regarding a project that involves moving to another country will arise, entering into contact with new international markets, or taking a new academic course in the case of students.
he entry of Juno retrograde in this location, House 9th of Virgo, on October 24th, you can feel that you cannot abandon the path with which you committed a long time ago, because that would harm others or cause your allegiance.
Fortunately, the Full Moon in Taurus on October 24th, will touch this sector of your astral map and will make it possible to elucidate clearly what are the true reasons for your indecision, in addition to the desires of your heart.
In this sense, October 26th will bring a special astrological phenomenon: the Venus Star Point. This stellar event is characterized by revealing what we want, as in this case will occur with retrograde Venus and Virgo House III, and aims to reflect on the necessary preparation to undertake a personal journey either internal or external.
More predictions for October here.
The money predictions for October for the Libra natives are characterised as a rugged period. While Mercury in House 2 of Libra, from the 9th to the 30th October, speaks of diversification of income sources and new economic projects; the retrograde of Venus in the same sector of the astral map (House 2) refers to not planned expenses.
With retrograde Venus in Libra’s House 2, you are likely to regret impulsive purchases, not because of monetary investment but because of the object itself. On the other hand, Retrograde Uranus in House 8th points to economic complications involving family members or partners. Probably you feel overwhelmed by the weight of responsibilities, which were granted for “confidence” and you want to push end everyone down.
In contrast to these trends you will have three special astrological events: the New Moon in Libra on the 8th, the Full Moon in Taurus on the 24th and the Venus Star Point on the 26th. The New Moon in Libra is the door to connect with your essence, explore your inner world and discover what really does not work for you, or is causing you a strong concern.
In the same way, the New Moon in Taurus will affect House 8 of Libra, emphasizing the importance of placing healthy limits, particularly in family and in the couple relationships, so that they do not take advantage of your goodwill.
Finally, the Venus Star Point, is an astrological event that is characterised by unveiling desire. As in this opportunity it will be produced with retrograde Venus in House 2 of Libra, it will allude to the unexpressed potential and the blockages associated with it.
In the professional field, questions will also arise about the work that is done, because with Neptune and Chiron retrograde in House 6 of the sign, you can try to idealize a situation for convenience, when in reality it does not produce any satisfaction. Libra students will also feel dissatisfied during this period of the year.
The retrograde of Juno in House 9 of the sign from the 11th to the 23rd points to questions about the reasons that drive you to follow a certain academic path.
More predictions for October here.
In what comes to money predictions for October, they indicate that the asteroid Psyche will enter the House 2 of Scorpio, on October 5th. This refers to studying what makes you feel vulnerable and insecure in financial terms: level of income, employment status or residence, outstanding accounts, family obligations.
It is worth noting that Psyche not only promotes the analysis of the economic part, but also proposes new and interesting lines of action, such as: finding new sources of income, preparing you academically to climb positions or opening your own business, and consider expanding to international markets.
This trend will be reinforced by the entry of Mercury into the House 2 of Scorpio o the 31st and the beginning of the retrograde of Juno in the House 8 of the sign, from 11th to 23rd October.
Mercury in House 2 of Scorpio aims to increase commercial activities, transactions associated with the real estate market, and the diversification of sources of income (including what was previously considered a mere hobby.
On the other hand, the retrograde of Juno in House 8 refers to responsibilities related to goods, businesses or family stores, which are taking their toll on your mood. Perhaps you are carrying more obligations than you are entitled to, or you allow others to impose situations that do not please you or block your plans.
It is not about starting a general strike, but learning to establish healthy limits, because these are the ones that indicate to others how much you value yourself (one of the main lessons that the retrograde of Venus in Scorpio will bring you, starting on October 5th.
On the professional level, October is projected as a quiet period, which will be appreciated, since the retrograde of Neptune and Chiron in the 5th House of Scorpio can cause creative blockages, or proliferation of ideas that do not correspond to the reality of the projects in progress. In this sense, the presence of the asteroid Pallas in the 11th House of Scorpio, indicates the success of group work or with massive impact. Likewise, it encourages you to take into account the strategic opinions of your collaborators and closest friends, when making professional decisions.
For students, October is seen as a good time for research work, which requires attention and analysis, especially those developed in groups.
More predictions for October here.
The finances will remain stable for the natives of Sagittarius. The presence of Saturn, Pluto and Vesta in the House 2 of the centaur, refers to efficient resource management. In this period of the year, Sagittarians will be interested in setting economic goals for 2019.
While it may seem premature to some to elaborate plans at this time of year, keep in mind that, in November 2019, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius, sign of which is regent, so it is approaching a stage of great evolutionary work for these natives.
The more prepared you are, the better you can face the different situations, which will be presented in the coming year. However, it is convenient that you design a flexible planning, not tied to deadlines or specific amounts, that restrict your freedom of movement.
In the workplace, Uranus continues to retrograde in House 6 of Sagittarius, a particularly conflictive transit for those who feel dissatisfied with the work they do or the colleagues who surround them.
It is important that you recognize that more than the external factors, the reasons for your dissatisfaction are more a problem of substance than of form, as Juno retrograde in the 6th House of Sagittarius, as of 24th, propitiates these reflections.
If you feel dissatisfied with what happens around you, then you must define what you want to do and where you want to be, what will make you feel better. The people around you are not responsible for your happiness, only you are.
On the other hand, the presence of the Sun in the 11th House of Sagittarius until the 22nd, where the dwarf planet Ceres is also present, and the New Moon in Libra will take place on October 8th, points out the positive influence of friends and teammates, in decision-making, the development of creative projects, and the arrival of job opportunities.
In the same way, the presence of Pallas in your 10th House, reminds you that if you really want to advance in your professional path, on your own or within an organization, you must organize your goals and objectives.
For students, October is a good season to develop team activities, both academic and recreational. The planetary transits also favor participation in humanitarian causes or days.
More predictions for October here.
Money predictions for October indicate that with Mars remaining in the Capricorn 2nd House, during the month, there is a proactive attitude in the attainment of funds and financial opportunities. As Saturn, Pluto and Vesta remain in the sign, the impulse will be channeled with assertiveness and prudence, without being tempted by “siren songs” or businesses that seem too good to be true.
In this case, the Capricorn natives understand the financial world as a race of resistance rather than speed, and feels inclined to invest in medium and long-term objectives, which will have a subsequent permanence.
In the workplace, the retrograde of Juno in House 6 of Capricorn, from the 11th to the 23rd, speaks of the weight of the obligations acquired, and problems with deadlines.
More than questioning yourself about loyalty to third parties and the work you do, it is convenient to take advantage of Juno’s apparent setback, and ask yourself if what you do is really linked to your passion, or makes you feel full.
Likewise, it is necessary to ask yourself if you are overloading yourself with work in the search for a better professional position, forgetting other equally priority areas, such as health, family and friends.
The presence of the dwarf planet Ceres in your House 10, where the Sun will also be until the 22nd, and the New Moon of the 8th will take place, indicates that you are building a new perspective on your professional life.
It is valid to change objectives, if those that you pursue now do not produce satisfaction or attract you in the same way as they did before. It is not about giving up, but about recognizing your true path.
For the students, the presence of the asteroid Pallas in the House 9 of the sign, points towards the organization of the academic activities. However, this stellar position can make you somewhat rigid, when developing team plans.
More predictions for October here.
Neptune and Chiron will continue retrograde in the 2nd House of Aquarius, during the month of October. This does not mean that you forget your dreams or aspirations; on the contrary, it is about internalising that you must build your goals from the ground up, and not expect everything to happen by magic, and without your intervention.
The presence of the asteroid Pallas in the 8th House of Aquarius indicates that, when designing a financial plan, it is convenient to pay attention to the contributions of the couple or relatives with more experience.
It is important to broaden your perspectives on this topic and think that you are the absolute owner of reason. Knowing other points of view will be a great incentive for your creativity.
In the workplace, from the 5th to the 30th October, you will have the retrograde of Venus in the 10 House of Aquarius, a site where Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is also present.
It is worth noting that in the 10th House of Aquarius, there will be the Sun from the 23rd, Mercury from 9th to 30th, and the Venus Star Point will be produced on October 26th. The apparent setback of Venus in House 10 of Aquarius indicates that, on the professional level, you are paying more attention to appearances, than to the essence of the matter, your true vocation.
Likewise, retrograde Venus in House 10, aims to neglect the necessary preparation to achieve your goals. In this sense, the Venus Star Point will be the central axis of the season. The Venus Star Point is an astrological phenomenon (conjunction Sun – Venus) that is characterized by revealing the true desires of the soul. As in this opportunity, the event will touch your 10th House, we talk about vocation, professional aspirations and how you want to advance in life.
Additionally, with the Sun and Mercury visiting this sector of your astral map, however much you want to cling to preconceived plans, the truth will break through, showing what you really value. We cannot forget that the dwarf planet Ceres is located in the 9th House of Aquarius, sector of the astral map where the Sun will be until the 22nd, and where the New Moon of October 8th will be produced.
With these alignments, the native will focus on activities that provide greater preparation for the future, and consider the option of expanding to new destinations. The planetary movements in the 9th House of Aquarius, will benefit the students of the sign, who will be more dedicated than ever to the academic activities, and with desire to broaden horizons.
More predictions for October here.
The money predictions for October indicate that the income, obtained on its own, will remain stable during the month, for the natives of Pisces. However, the available alignments point to interesting financial opportunities, through the relationship with the couple or relatives with whom economic links are shared.
As you will recall, the dwarf planet Ceres is positioned in your House 8, where the Sun will remain until the 22nd, and the New Moon in Libra will take place on October 8th. With these transits, we talk about transactions that may involve buying, selling, rents, joint ventures, ventures, and market expansion, regardless of whether you maintain formal family businesses, or small initiatives.
In the professional field, the entrance of the asteroid Psyche to the 10th House of Pisces on the 5th, refers to studying the conscious and unconscious blocks that have prevented progress in your career.
Perhaps you do not recognize the value of your work, or it seems that you are not sufficiently prepared, or even that your contributions are not as meritorious as those of third parties.
In any case, it is convenient that you affirm yourself, and be aware of your own value as an individual and as a professional. You have a lot of talent, and a lot to give to the world, if you learn to believe in yourself.
With the entry of Mercury into the 10th House of Pisces on the 31st of October, you will begin to develop an idea that will give more projection to your image as a professional. Do not be afraid to move forward; you are prepared and on the right path.
Although the doubts are normal, when this kind of opportunity presents itself, Saturn and Pluto in your House 11 remind you that you have friends and colleagues of practical and experienced thinking, who can offer you advice on the subject that concerns you.
This resource will be especially valuable to you during the retrograde of Venus, which will take place from the 05th to the 30th October in your House 9, location where you can also find Jupiter.
Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion, and during your last weeks in your House 9, it points towards contact with other cultures, international travel, and academic improvement, as part of your added professional value.
Now with the retrograde of Venus in this position of the astral map, you will be questioning your fears about these issues, and what you really want to achieve.
It is worth noting that the Venus Star Point (conjunction Sun – Venus), an astrological phenomenon that is characterized by revealing the true desires of the soul, will take place on October 26th. As this time the event will take place on your House 9, with Venus retrograde and under the influence of Scorpio, you are told that the answer is inside you, but you must look for it since it will not show itself.
For Pisces students, who face a difficult decision about the direction of their academic and professional careers, the alignments in House 9 and Venus Star Point will allow them to obtain clarity amid the confusion.
More predictions for October here.
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