Nada Yoga: sound is important in practice

Nada Yoga translates to “flow of sound” and yoga means “union”. Together Nada Yoga represents the connection of the mind and soul through the medium of cosmic sound. Sound has strong properties including the ability to relax and heal.
Nada Yoga: why is sound seen as so powerful?
The mantra or sound Om (a-u-m) is said to encompass the whole universe. According to the Bhagavad Gita, Aum is the sound of God. By making these sounds they send certain vibrations through our body, which can help relieve tension and promote calmness.
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Sound is the first sense to be experienced. Human babies can hear from inside the womb, in addition, it is the last sense to fail us as we die. This gives our sense of sound a deeper importance, as a connector to our real selves.
Nada Yoga also indirectly makes us reflect on the power of words on humanity, they have the power to uplift us or hurt us. Nada Yoga philosophy centres on the idea that our modern, fast-paced world has lost touch with the powerful nature of words as sounds.
Nada is found within.
It is a music without strings which plays in the body.
It penetrates the inner and the outer
and leads you away from illusion.
What happens in a Nada Yoga class?
Like many yoga classes, the session may start with the chanting of Aum.
Music is played during class to help with reaching a meditative state, music fosters singular focus and the process can help us close ourselves to the outside world and point inwards, to learn more about ourselves beyond body and in delve our purest form.
Depending on which level of consciousness one may attain, it will affect the type of music that individual is attracted to.
Bumble Bee
Breathing exercises can also help manifest Nada. One in particular is Bumble Bee pranayama or Bhramari. It is named as such because the breath creates a sound that imitates that of an Indian black bumblebee.
Sit in lotus pose, make sure the back is straight, and inhale deeply through the nose. Place chin in a lock position, by leaning head forward, and touching ones chin to neck. Tighten the core and exhale through the nose to produce a humming sound.
As the vibrations fill the body, a the practitioner should feel calmness and oneness. Bumblebee is said to be particularly good for pregnant women, as consistent practice has been linked with control of normal blood pressure and hormones.
Nada Yoga is very different to the usual yoga you would find in most studios. It focuses on sounds, healing and reaching higher states of consciousness rather than physical prowess.
Expect to be inspired and blown away by its mystical powers.
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