New Moon in Aries: a fresh new start

The Moon is a natural satellite of our planet. While it is spinning around the Earth, its influence on us change. The New Moon occurs just when it positions between our planet and the Sun. We can barely see it in the sky but this phase is special because mark new beginnings. In this article, we will learn about the aspects of New Moon in Aries. The New Moon in Aries happens on Monday, April 12th 2021.
New Moon in Aries
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and together with the first moon of the lunar cycle forms a potent combination. New Moon in Aries is all about taking the first step in new and pioneering projects. Like Full Moon, the energy is also very strong, but aimed at everything that needs a kick-off.
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Aries is one of the most courageous signs of the zodiac. They do not fear anything and so they tend to be quite impulsive. New Moon in Aries will potentiate these aspects, so you will need to exercise caution in your actions when it is in progress.
All people are affected by the different phases of the moon, regardless of which sign it is. In this way, there will be a latent desire to act upon all. It is as if everyone is sitting on the bench waiting for the coach to call in. But in this case, the coach will be you.
New Moon in Aries will not give you time to think about what is best for you. It will throw you toward what you believe without even thinking twice. It will be very important to maintain a sharp connection with your intuition because of this.
Stimulate your independence
Signs of the element fire, like Aries, prefer to act alone, without giving much importance to what others think. New Moon in Aries will stimulate independence in people. It will put you in certain situations whether you want to or not. From there, the moon will ask you to be yourself and without any fear, to fight for what you want.
It is a good time to reaffirm your values and put yourself first. Do not think of selfishness, for the Universe is perfect and works to offer every thing in the right timing. Use the New Moon in Aries to focus on personal projects you have always wanted to put into practice.
However, be careful about the way you act. This is a rather impulsive and accident-prone moon, as the energy of the fire will be like a spark, quick and potentially deadly. Although the induction aspect of New Moon in Aries is positive, it is good not to overdo it.
The birth of a baby
Aries represents the warrior and brings Mars‘ driving force. A good analogy is to compare with the time of delivery. The baby is comfortable inside the womb, but instinctively, knows that it is necessary to leave. He moves himself and tries to come to the light alone, having no idea if that is good or bad for him. He just feels that inner strength.
New Moon in Aries will put you in the same warrior position as the baby. Not knowing very well what you are doing, you will feel this enormous need to go somewhere and fight. It is a time of restlessness, even a little nervous.
Therefore, before this New Moon arrives it is prudent to organize to know where you want to go. That way, when it is time, take the ride on the rocket and head towards your goal without looking back.
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