Nostradamus predictions for 2021: what to expect

Nostradamus was the biggest prophet that ever existed on Earth. “The Prophecies” was one of his most famous books, where he wrote predictions for 1000 years ahead. In this article, we will talk about Nostradamus predictions for 2021.
Find out what the famous french apothecary and doctor Nostradamus predicts in terms of economy, health crisis, environment and wars for 2021.
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Nostradamus’ prophecies come in the form of verses called quatrains. Many of his predictions, including the one announcing Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and the consequent World War II, have proven to be correct. Nostradamus wrote 6,338 prophecies and most of them came true. His prophecies cover a period that extends until 3797. The secret of his predictions is unknown.
The quatrains of Nostradamus continue to fascinate the world, although they were written about five centuries ago. Over 70% of his prophecies have come true so far and some of the most disturbing and bizarre predictions are for the year 2021.
Some predictions from Nostradamus that may reveal how 2021 could be
1. A Zombie Apocalypse
A Russian scientist will create a biological weapon and produce a virus that can turn men into zombies and the human race will become extinct in the near future.
Yes, it seems unlikely, but yet, Nostradamus has already predicted many improbable and seemingly absurd things that actually happened…
2. A Famine of Biblical Proportions
Nostradamus predicted that the first signs of the end of the world would include famines, earthquakes, the onset of various diseases and epidemics, which are already occurring more frequently.
The coronavirus pandemic that began in 2020 marks the start of a series of adverse events that will affect the world’s population. The world would never had faced such a famine. A major catastrophe would take us back to the past and a large part of the world’s population would not be able to overcome this curse.
From 2020 and after 248 years, Saturn will enter Capricorn and the influence of this star will be associated with that of Pluto, which will also be positioned in Capricorn. These stars will form a remarkable conjunction that will change the fate of the world.
Positioned in Capricorn, Saturn rules the social hierarchy, power, authority, functions and status of the state.
And the negative events which are described in this prediction are brought about by the conjunction of Saturn with Pluto, which is the planet of death, destruction and reconstruction.
3. Solar Storms
The year 2021 must be an important year because it will be marked by several major world events. According to Nostradamus, large solar storms will occur during this period and these phenomena could seriously affect the Earth.
According to the prediction of Nostradamus: “We will see waters rise and earth collapse beneath them”.
The adverse effects of climate change will then cause many wars and conflicts as humans compete for the remaining natural resources and massive migrations will follow.
4. A comet will collide with Earth or will approach it
This event will cause earthquakes and other natural disasters: “In the Sky, One Sees Fire and a Long trail of Sparks”.
Other interpretations claim that this quatrain refers to a large asteroid that will collide with Earth. Once it enters Earth’s atmosphere, this asteroid would heat up and it would set the sky ablaze like a huge blaze. NASA has already announced that a gigantic asteroid is at risk of colliding with Earth in the years to come.
The American agency had already issued daily alerts, however, the event in question is much more serious.
An asteroid called 2009 KF1 is likely to collide with Earth on May 6, 2021. NASA experts have managed to calculate this date by analyzing its trajectory. NASA claims that the impact of this asteroid on Earth would be equivalent to an explosion of 230 kilotons of TNT, 15 times greater than the atomic explosion that took place in Hiroshima in 1945.
5. A devastating earthquake will destroy California
According to some interpretations, a quatrain written by Nostradamus indicates that an extremely powerful earthquake will destroy California in 2021.
Nostradamus has announced that a large earthquake will hit the New World (“the lands of the West”) and this prediction appears to refer to California. According to astrologers, the following quatrain: “Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn declining” refers to November 25, 2021 because these two planets will be in the position indicated on that date.
6. American Soldiers will have brain implants
American soldiers would be turned into cyborgs, at least cerebrally, in order to save the human race. This implant should allow us to develop digital intelligence in order to surpass biological intelligence. According to Nostradamus, this innovation will therefore give us the possibility of integrating artificial intelligence inside the human organism.
7. Pope Francis will urge the people to draw closer to the Church
Whatever the longevity of his pontificate, the influence of Pope Francis will greatly improve the image of the Catholic Church which will be considered as a “lifeline” by a growing number of faithful people.
“We must take care of all, especially the poorest, the weakest, the helpless, the hungry, the thirsty, the strangers, the naked, the sick and the prisoners”, Pope Francis said.
A prophet now was once called a seer; since a prophet, my son, is properly speaking one who sees distant things through a natural knowledge of all creatures. And it can happen that the prophet bringing about the perfect light of prophecy may make manifest things both human and divine, because this cannot be done otherwise, given that the effects of predicting the future extend far off into time.
(Nostradamus in a letter to his son, Caesar)
Based both on the knowledge of this prophet as a human being and on the dangerous times in which he lived, the seven prophecies which are devoted to the year 2021 reveal fragments of the predictions of the alchemist that should concerns us and our world.
A sneak peek into Nostradamus predictions for 2020
Michel de Nostredame or simply Nostradamus was born in 1503 in France. During his life, he became a doctor and learned how to talk to the invisible. His sensitiveness was very accurate and that is how he became the most famous astrologer and prophet at all times.
Early in History, his prophecies were concretized. Events like the French Revolution, the Great Fire of London, the First World War and the birth of Hitler and Nazism were the most shocking ones. He had also written about the death of President John F. Kennedy and Princess Diana in one of his books. Unfortunately, he was right about all of them.
Because of so many hits, experts still give much credit to Nostradamus predictions until nowadays. The astrologer Jessica Adams truly believes that he predicted the Notre Dame Fire in April 2019.
According to Craig Hamilton-Parker, a British Psychic, Nostradamus still had some things to say about 2019. Actually, between 2019 and 2020. First, he believes that Nostradamus predicted a not so consensual president for the US in one of his books. Then, this same president would be murdered in an assassination attempt.
Craig claims that Nostradamus’ predictions warn about second chances but that the president would not be very lucky in the second one. What Craig says is that Nostradamus predicted that somebody would try to kill Trump between 2019 and 2020. The attempt would not very well succeed and the president would have the chance to be re-elected in 2020. After the re-election then, Trump would be murdered.
Many of Nostradamus predictions 2020 are about the American president and the US. The British medium says there is something about a truce with Russia and that the president would sign a treaty with Vladimir Putin. This would be very similar to what Trump already did in his pact with Kim Jong-Un and North Korea.
Craig continues saying that there are some predictions for the Middle East but they are not so clear. His interpretation suggests a war happening in this part of the world in 2020, with people experience the beginning of this war still in 2019.
Nostradamus predictions for 2020: should we believe them?
If you are a believer, we can tell that you are going to trust in these prophecies without thinking twice. But if you are a little skeptical, you are going to be suspicious about Nostradamus said.
It is not that he was writing lies back in time, but experts say that even though we must recognize and glorify Nostradamus’ work, we should be very careful to fallacies that some people called mediums create nowadays. We mean, in order to respect Nostradamus original prophecies, we should always look for the truth.
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