Numerology for 2021: what to expect

If you are a person who is interested in esotericism and spirituality, you must have some knowledge of numerology. This rich and complex practice confers benefits and properties on figures and numbers. Very useful for knowing what the future holds, the Numerology for 2021 can help you prepare for future events.
Numerology 2021: predictions for the 9 numbers
Numerology does not claim to have the power to predict the future accurately and literally. On the other hand, numerology 2021 will allow to give major trends, energies and vibrations concerning the coming year.
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Personal year 1 in 2021
Your number 1 refers to a very strong personal energy. You will generate crazy energy that will allow you to implement everything you have always dreamed of. Nothing can stop you, you will take everything in your path.
Personal year 2 in 2021
The coming months will test you: you will not be spared. Fortunately, you will know how to use the lessons that life has taught you. You will be ready to face all the obstacles that life puts in your way.
Personal year 3 in 2021
You have to believe in yourself. This year will test your self-esteem and your self-confidence. The positive attracts the positive: if you believe in it, then everything will be fine. It’s all in the head, remember that.
Personal year 4 in 2021
The figures point to a fairly tough year, yet full of promise. You will not always understand why you are being tested. But sooner or later, you will know what lesson the universe wanted to teach you.
Personal year 5 in 2021
According to the numerology for 2021, this year will allow you to toughen up. You will face difficult things from a personal point of view and suffer betrayals. But in the end, you came out of it stronger than ever.
Personal year 6 in 2021
You will see things differently, from a different angle than usual. After all, life is all about perspective, isn’t it? See the glass as half empty or half full.
Personal year 7 in 2021
Predictions say the sun will shine for you! This year will be the year of joie de vivre, good humor and optimism. You will always have a smile on your face, and for good reason: luck will smile on you in an insolent way!
Personal year 8 in 2021
You can do whatever you want. Your network and the right people will open up possibilities for you. Take the opportunity to make the right choices!
Personal year 9 in 2021
Finally, the last number will bring good luck! From a professional standpoint, things will change very quickly, without you even having time to realize it. But rest assured, your creative strength will allow you to rise to the challenge.
See bellow the full predictions for your Personal Year
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