Numerology of the Number One: Interpretation and Meanings

Numerology is a complex science on how numbers impact the Universe. Numbers contain energetic vibrations that influence us. Of the 9 cardinal numbers, number one is the leader. It has spiritually significant symbolism encompassed within it, so we’ll talk about number one and its characteristics.
Cardinal numbers 1 through 9 make up all numbers in existence. Even when they added together, the energy of the new product creates a new significance.
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As mathematics and numbers are a fixed truth in our reality, you can be confident that the more you learn about the numerology of the number one, the more evident it becomes that all things in the Universe are interconnected.
Here we will demonstrate that fact, as we discuss the meaning of the number one along with its correlations across other influential practices. These include: visual interpretation, astrological relations, and tarot card number meanings.
The Energetic Frequency of the Number One
The energy of the number one in Numerology could be considered the independent pioneer. Number one is ruled by the Sun, which can easily display its intense masculine power, right off the bat.
This confident and independent energy possesses a sort of introverted version of Universal power; a natural force where all manifestation begins its journey.
The 1 reflects new beginnings, coupled with a strong energy of originality that initiates, and then creates, with innate talents.
Visual Interpretation
The shape of the number one can actually show us the meaning of the vibration held within. The 1 stands upright, with a very confident way of doing so – as an individual.
This visual representation of the number one displays the characteristics of leadership that the 1 energy holds, such as:
- Independence
- Assertiveness
- Strength
- Stability
- Ambition to stand alone
Zodiac Relationships
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is fire sign with cardinal quadruplicity. This combines an enthusiastic and intuitive fiery frequency with the active initiation of a cardinal sign. This zodiac sign is the epitome of independence.
An Aries is the outspoken leader that reflects perseverance, confidence, and aggression – an energy that faces this life “head on” like the ram. The similarities of an Aries to the number 1 are obvious, and that is one way the Universe proves numbers are always consistent.
Tarot Card Associations with it
The Magician is card one in the Tarot deck. The Magician card is ruled by the planet Mercury – not so coincidentally, Mercury is the first planet from the Sun.
Mercury is also the planet of communication, which coincides with logic, organizational skill, and intellect. Additionally, the Magician card represents the four elements of alchemy: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.
The Alchemist has all foundational power of creation, that can adjust and will alter reality. It is known that when this card appears in a reading, it is interpreted that the person holds within them a capability energy to build a new beginning. Again, we see an obvious connection not only to the number one, but also to the Aries zodiac sign.
The Number One: energy of insight and new beginnings
The number one holds a frequency and energetic vibration of confidence, independence, initiation, and aggressive idealism. It encompasses the inner-knowing of the soul that resides within, outside the ego, that we can harness and utilize in this Universal existence.
It possesses the frequency and energetic vibration of embracing inner beliefs, because that is where creation always begins.
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