OM: discover more about this mantra

AUM or OM is a widespread symbol in India and in all Buddhist and Hindu countries. It is found drawn or engraved in the temples, at the entrance of spiritual places, but also in photos for decoration purposes. We sing it in religious mantras. In yoga or meditation, any good yoga teacher will make you sing this unique sound.
OM: the representation of the 3 phases of life
The three letters A, U, M represent the combination of the 3 energies that constitute the cycle of life.
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Each letter has a special meaning:
- The letter “A” represents Brahman, the creator god. It is the earthly world, creation, beginning, birth.
- The letter “U” represents Vishnu, the protective god. It is the intermediary world, the dream, the continuation, the life.
- The letter “M” represents Shiva, the destroyer. It’s the centrifugal force, the sleep, the end, the death. “M” is the state of deep sleep, the heavenly world.
This cycle is repeated to infinity: everything is born, lives a time, then dies and returns to blend in the universe, the great All. It is the representation of the 3 phases of life.
When the last vibration of “M” has melted, there remains silence. Anagata makes no noise but is immense by its presence. In this silence everything can be born. Anagata is a bit like the gap between two breaths. Like the mini break that comes naturally at the end of the expiration.
We like to see this silence as a void. Like a vacuum of possibilities of the next cycle. A silence that brings together all its strength and energy before being reborn.
How to sing the OM mantra?
- First, place one hand flat on the chest (sternum) and the other at the top of the head to feel the vibrations (in supine or sitting posture).
- Keep the lips ajar and inhale through the nose deeply.
- When exhaling, pronounce the sound “Au…”, the sound must be serious and uniform. Keep it up to the end of the exhalation and at the end of exhalation, close your mouth, contract the abdominals to expel the rest of the air by emitting a “m…” that buzzes in the skull.
- By closing your ears with both hands, you will hear better the “Au… m”.
Why sing the OM mantra?
- Singing the OM promotes internalization and is an excellent anti-stress.
- When we sing the OM sound, our vibration connects to the vibration of the universe. One connects for a time to the highest and pure form of consciousness. We become One with the great All, we return to our primordial essence.
- The three letters resonate throughout our body, from the bottom up, and the vibrations help to purify and activate all our chakras. The yogis sing it to open the 7th chakra.
- When you sing the OM, your mind becomes more focused, calmer, your body also relaxes. You are then in better conditions to meditate.
- Singing the OM every few minutes can be a natural way to regulate one’s emotions or stress.
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