How to open new portals of consciousness

The entire universe is a symphony of frequencies ranging from the highest to the lowest vibration. Everything in the universe is vibrational energy at different frequencies. In fact the visionary inventor of the rotating magnetic field among other inventions, Nikola Tesla already said in his day that if we want to understand the universe we must do so in terms of energy, vibration and frequency. Everything is energy, as Albert Einstein, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, once demonstrated.
In the human emotional plane everything is also vibrational energy in different frequencies, and it manifests itself in our emotional capacity. Each emotion corresponds to a vibration, a vibrational frequency. In the lower vibrational planes, there are unpleasant feelings and limitations, close to fear. While in the higher levels there are pleasant feelings related to peace, love and deep joy, true happiness coming from spiritual peace. We can understand in this way that we oscillate between the polarity of fear and peace and in between there are varying degrees of vibrational frequency.
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Opening new portals of consciousness
Your frequency level determines how you feel, what people you attract into your life and what happens to you. Your life is the mirror where your vibrational level is reflected, therefore there have been fundamental changes in your life, simply by changing your vibration. Therefore, if you change, everything sooner or later changes and you will see it reflected in your mirror, which is life.
The universe, the quantum field adapts and your vibrational level by attraction, by the law of the universe. This is the key to the famous Law of Attraction that many forget. We attract not what we want from the conscious mind but we attract things and people that correspond to the same frequency level as our own. Sometimes it can be as easy as raising your frequency and your life will be much easier and more joyful, for example, if your frequency is the same.
Dr. David R. Hawkins, in his “Scale of Consciousness”, gives us the keys to understand something fundamental in order to become aware of our lives and find our way.
First a little about the person David Hawkins. This teacher (1927-2012) lived a very exciting and versatile life with challenges such as poverty, alcoholism, and a near-death experience as a young man, among many other vicissitudes.
David Hawkins had many interests, but his great passion was human consciousness, universal consciousness and the psyche. He trained academically and studied with many other researchers, including Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling. David Hawkins had a clinic in the United States where he helped people with mental imbalances, many of whom conventional psychiatry could not help. He looked for new methods that could help his clients, even though they might be considered alternative. He used to say that his loyalty was to the client and not to medicine.
David created a scale known as the “Dr. Hawkins Consciousness Scale.” The scale ranges from 0 to 1000, where 1000 is the highest possible frequency on the planet, absolute Enlightenment. In his consciousness research, David used kinesiological muscle testing to calibrate and determine the frequency in many people according to the scale of consciousness and to conduct the research, the study of the different levels of consciousness.
The method is based on the fact that the body is connected to the “consciousness of the consciousness of the universe”, and that the body functions as a lie detector through the meridian system. There are many ways to “test the muscles” with kinesiology. One example might be to have a person hold their arm straight and be asked to resist when they push their arm down. They are asked a question and, if the answer is yes or they recognize it as true, the muscle stays strong and it is harder to push the arm down. If the answer is negative or false, the meridian system in the body interferes with the nervous system and the muscle weakens, making it easier to push the arm down.
Anyone with a frequency of over 200 can learn from kinesiological testing because they are in a state of higher receptivity consciousness, or in other words they resonate with that frequency. People with less than 200 are generally not interested in the Truth, their truth, as they do not “resonate” with it.
David believes that muscle testing along with the scale of consciousness is a valuable and indeed necessary tool for humans.
The most important thing among other things, according to Hawkins is that you can calibrate, test your frequency with the higher spiritual masters to increase your consciousness and vibrational level.
According to Hawkins, you cannot call anything spiritual per se if it is below 500, so a spiritual teacher should be at least at 500 as an average value, although it is true that we all oscillate between different frequencies over time. It is true that once we reach a high average level, it is more difficult to lower the frequency, in fact we keep going up.
Here is a table of frequencies of the Hawkins scale
700-1000 high states of enlightenment: Peace, love, happiness
600 ……….. freedom
540 ……….. joy
500 ……….. love
400 ……….. reason and logic
350 ……….. acceptance
310 ……….. will
250 ……….. neutrality
200 ……….. courage
Critical breaking point
175 ……….. pride / arrogance
150 ……….. anger, annoyance
125 ……….. request
100 ……….. fear
75 ……….. insecurity
50 ……….. apathy
30 ……….. guilt
20 ……….. shame
In their investigation of consciousness, Hawkins and his team found that most people on the planet, thereby forming the collective consciousness, have a frequency below 200.
Humanity as a whole en masse has been below 200 for a long time, but in the 1980s of the twentieth century the frequency began to increase and is now a little above 200 and rising. This is good news and, in fact, our salvation depends largely on awareness.
If you look at this scale, you will see that below 200 are all negative emotions, also called heavy, dense frequencies and at 200 there is a shift to positivity of frequency. Above 500 are all the emotions that people “crave”, even if they are not aware of it, like love, joy and peace. Actually as one of the Beatles songs “All you need is Love” says, all we really need is love, everything is Love.
All levels of the scale are carefully tested and studies have shown that the results are predictable and relevant. From these higher levels of frequency the body begins to heal itself thanks to the high frequency and the body’s own natural law of regeneration.
An interesting detail is that you have to leave the linear logical thinking coming from the ego if you want more than 500, because the “mind” does not know the difference between truth and falsehood since from 499 is another level that goes beyond the physical plane. From 500 we are making what I call “the quantum leap”.
The interesting thing is that the world looks different in the different frequency levels in which you find yourself because your life is the mirror of your vibration. To a person with a frequency of 50, the world looks desolate, while the person at 75 sees a world with sadness all around. A person at a frequency level of 200 thinks the world looks more hopeful and positive, while a person with a frequency above 500 sees the world as a loving and beautiful place. And yet it is the same world where everyone is in touch with reality and observing it!
It is your frequency level that creates your reality. It is as if you have different glasses to see the reality of presence through each level. That is why it is said, “life is the color of the glasses you look at it through”. Everything is your perspective. If you elevate your perspective you also elevate your reality, you shift it to a more positive frequency, even if in reality the world, the universe or the presence is itself neutral. It is each of us, with our perspective that creates our reality. It is your frequency level that determines how you feel and what your life is like.
This scale is logarithmic, exponential, i.e. there are much larger jumps from 400 to 500 than from 100 to 200. People who have a constant balance of high frequencies exceed the frequency of many people with a lower frequency.
What is the effect of a person who has raised their frequency above the collective average?
A 300 person has a greater vibrational influence than 90,000 people under 200.
A 400 person outperforms 400,000 people under 200.
A 500 person outperforms 750,000 people under 200.
A 600 person outnumbers 10 million people under 200.
A 700 person outnumbers 70 million people under 200.
Due to the logarithmic exponential increase in the power of individuals at the higher frequency levels, humanity has finally reached the tipping point: 200.
It can be said that if there were not always some of us who stand out with very high frequency, also called “enlightened ones” on Earth, humanity would have been exterminated long ago. The enlightened ones give “light” and guide the collective consciousness. This means that a single person can potentially have a great effect on the whole of humanity, as for example Jesus Christ, the great enlightened one, did in his day.
Enlightenment (from 650 to 700 onwards) is a state of pure and original awareness of ultimate reality, in a state of compassion for everything and everyone, dedication to alleviating suffering, constant radiance of joy and humor.
Generally, a person rises about 5 points over the course of his or her lifetime. It may not be considered that much, but Hawkins claims that a dedicated focus on evolution and increasing frequency can lead to incredible progress and leaps in consciousness. Master David has demonstrated this with his own life, he started as an alcoholic, lost and ended up as an enlightened teacher. You too can raise your level of consciousness.
Raise your frequency and you will enter new portals of consciousness.
Open yourself to new portals of consciousness by raising your vibration!
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