Ophanim: messenger of Divine Wisdom

Ophanim or or Ofanim is an angelic creature in charge of transmitting divine messages, through external signals, or in tune with our inner voice (intuition).
Not all authors believe in their existence, as members of the Angelic Hierarchy. Some specialists identify them with the Thrones (in charge of supporting the throne of God), or as a part of these.
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According to this approach, a Ophanim would be the wheel that drive the movement of the Divine Throne and chariot and, at the same time, angels in perpetual adoration of the Creator.
The Hebrew mystics recognize these angelic creatures and attribute to them the function of spreading knowledge and guide people on the path to wisdom (practical application of what they have learned).
Likewise, these angels promote a connection with the true potential of being; and they distribute their messages using inspiration, intuition, faith and, in some cases, the psychic abilities of the indiviual.
In the same way, there is a belief that a Ophanim is the guardian of the stars and constellations; besides executor of the universal laws and a guide in the understanding of the divine will.
Ophanim and the Divine Thrones
As we have said before, some authors and specialists in Angelic Hierarchy identify theses angelic creatures and the Thrones, as the same group of celestial creatures.
However, while the functions of the former are related to the spread of Divine Wisdom, the Thrones are presented as beings in contemplation of the Creator, and symbols of serenity.
Let us remember that Thrones are invoked to clarify misunderstandings, establish hierarchies, and consolidate ties of different nature. Likewise, Thrones are related to the gifts of: respect, surrender, reconciliation, fullness, detachment, freedom, harmony, humor, exquisiteness, discernment, authority, and aesthetic sense.
In this sense, a prayer is included to request the gifts and protection of the angels Thrones, which is transcribed below:
“Oh Lord, most holy creator of all visible and invisible kingdoms, that with incomparable mercy you offer us the infinite treasures of your love, despite all my sins”.
“Help me to shape and embody, by the action of your holy angels Thrones, my good wishes and personal projects, on the spiritual and material plane”.
“Help me to fulfill this humble request (to expose the intention), and to give shape to each true achievement in my path, illuminated by the eternal light that spills the sacred fire of your love. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Glory to the Lord. Amen”.