The mystery of orbs in pictures

Probably many of you may have already taken pictures where some orbs appeared. But what are these circles? For many, just dust, for others, the supernatural. Let’s find out more about orbs in pictures.
The meaning of orbs in pictures
An orb is a circle that can be translucent or opaque, usually white, that appears in photographs. Only one or more may appear. It’s a relatively new phenomenon that has arisen together with digital machines. Just as they are recorded in photos, they are also recorded in videos.
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First, we’ll talk about supernatural theories, and in the next topic, natural explanations.
- Ghost: many defend that they are spirits of dead people;
- Elemental beings: when the orb is colored, like orange, green and purple, they are said to be the elementals of nature. Elementals are inhabitants of the world invisible to human eyes, who live in a world and universe of their own, with their laws, philosophy, objectives and totally private way of life. They are like spirits that have a direct connection with the elements of nature. These creatures are therefore called nature spirits, since they live in permanent contact with the fauna and flora, which they have a mission to defend;
- Extraterrestrials: orbs are also captured in videos, and many say they are UFO probes exploring our planet.
Scientific explanation for orbs in pictures
For science, an orb is nothing more than particles suspended in the air, like dust, moisture, coal dust, etc. No matter the photo, 100% are explained for that. Take the test yourself. Take a rug, shake it in the air and take a picture with your digital camera. You will probably capture several orbs.
How to take a picture of an orb?
- Use a digital camera: photos where orbs appear on roller machines are extremely unusual.
- Use flash: many theories try to answer why the flash. Of course, for natural orbs, such as dust and rain, these particles will reflect the light emitted by the flash. Now, when the orb is a supernatural entity, it’s common to say that they have no mass, so it is not known how they can reflect light. One of the main theories says that these entities are in an electromagnetic spectrum not visible to our eyes, but captured by the digital camera, such as ultraviolet and infrared.
Some basic tips, to avoid capturing natural elements that may be confused with orbs or other supernatural manifestations:
- Never smoke or allow anyone to smoke if you are taking pictures, cigarette smoke with the flash may appear to be an ectoplasmic manifestation;
- Do not hold anything else in your hands other than the camera;
- Remove the camera strap or the handle, (also hair), because if you accidentally go to the front of the lens, the flash will make it look like manifestations;
- In cold weather, hold your breath when taking pictures, the steam from hot breath may contaminate the photo;
- Watch your fingers in front of the lens;
- And especially, keep your lenses clean.
How to know if the orb in the picture is supernatural or natural?
There is no 100% method, but by analyzing several images, researchers generally frame supernatural orbs like:
- The circles must be opaque, solid. If they are translucent circles, it is probably natural. If it has multiple inner circles, it must also be dust;
- Be white or some other solid color. When they are colored, they are usually associated with elementals;
- One or a few circles per picture. If a lot of circles appear, it’s probably a particle suspended in the air;
- If it’s bright and shows a vibration effect within the photo. You can often see a face inside it.