Orisha predictions for the month of December for each sign

Celebrate, be thankful, and multiply the blessings that surround you every day, because overcoming, wisdom, and learning are part of your essence and have marked your path up to this point, even with difficulties, disappointments, and pain in the soul. Understand once and for all: you are a victorious warrior and you should be proud of what you have achieved, of where you have come from, and of those who walk beside you.
In this month of December, the last of the year 2021, according to the Orisha predictions, all twelve signs of the zodiac will be under the intense influence of their ruler guides, precisely because a cycle ends and a new annual turn of events is coming very soon. Thus, this superior intervention indicates an ideal moment, very balanced and transforming, in which the natives will finally find hope, good news, and multiple achievements, whether they are personal, financial, spiritual, or social. Besides, they will feel happier, stronger, freer, fearless, and more assertive in their experiences, dreams, and positions, which will be a great change in their self-perception, especially because they will define their way of facing the processes during this journey, besides highlighting a clear sense of justice, empathy, and collective harmony.
Orisha predictions for the month of December for each sign
Celebrate, be thankful, and multiply the blessings that surround you every day, because overcoming, wisdom, and learning are part of your essence and have marked your path up to this point, even with difficulties, disappointments, and pain in the soul. Understand once and for all: you are a victorious warrior and you should be proud of what you have achieved, of where you have come from, and of those who walk beside you. Discover now the predictions according to the Orishas for the month of December and listen to the advice of the Orisha that rules your sign!
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Aries, December is a good time of year for you to fight for more recognition, stability, and quality of life, regardless of the field. In order to do this, it will be essential to be committed to your studies and also to work, so that your finances, spirituality, and love life get back on track. In addition, learning to invest in the long term and in what is really worthwhile will make a huge difference in this new phase that is beginning. However, be very careful not to be deceived and end up destabilizing all your plans: being smart is fundamental. Moreover, always have a card up your sleeve, either an extra income or a sharp and strategic sense of humor, if you want to turn things around. Finally, get rid of the wounds of the past and focus on your spiritual, physical, and emotional improvement, serving as an inspiration and support to those who admire you.
This last month of the year tends to be quite turbulent in some respects, but it will also be full of promising news that will shake up the routine for Taurines. Therefore, choose to rebuild your own stability, be it emotional, physical, psychological, or financial, because only then you will be able to overcome barriers never thought of before. Also, try to take a little more care of yourself and of those you love so much, precisely so that problems from the past do not suddenly come back to haunt you. Finally, do not be afraid of criticism, rejection, disappointment, or new challenges along the way, because each stage you overcome will provide you with countless learnings, transformations, and prosperous results that will add to the construction of your new paths and of a new version of yourself.
Gemini, in this period of the year the energies of the ruling orixás point to unexpected gains, immeasurable achievements, and several transformations, be them internal or external. This is because, not only the educational and professional side, but, above all your personal experiences, will be intensely influenced, be them familiar, loving, or spiritual. However, it will be fundamental to act with wisdom, caution, and serenity, besides being very attentive and even reactive to opportunistic people that sneak up on you from all sides. You will need to learn to respect your own limits and follow your own desires, because pleasing others should no longer be an unrestricted concern. Finally, go forward with your head held high and your chest open, always fighting for what you believe in and still want to build.
This will be a phase of the annual cycle in which you will feel slightly lost, indecisive, and troubled about the events that surround you, Cancerian. This is because you are quite distressed, out of place, and overwhelmed after this long period of negativity and emotional wear and tear, either in your personal or professional life. Thus, the best thing at this phase closure is to focus on projects that match more with what you seek and believe in, as well as start listening and sharing moments with those who are willing to lend you a hand. Finally, even with all the difficulties, avoid as much as possible acting with impatience, stubbornness, sloppiness, or rudeness, as negative attitudes tend to hinder stability and the development of good news in important phases of your life.
Leonine, December will be a rather difficult month in terms of reward, stability, and recognition, regardless of the scope. Precisely because of this, you should focus on valuing yourself on your own and not expect anything from those who don’t deserve you. Even if you believe you are the best, look for new opportunities and environments that are more in line with your expectations, wishes, and plans. Moreover, look for acceptance and positive words next to those who love you, because only then you will really feel respected and important, something that you have always been. Finally, if you are bothered by something or someone, act in a strict way and get away without thinking twice from that which affects you.
Virgo girl, this December 2021 you will feel very rewarded and admired wherever you go, be it in relation to work, studies, family, love, or spiritual context. This is because your ruling orixá points to very promising days, with a visible elevation of your self-esteem, as well as interesting twists and turns where you least expect them. In addition, you will be very focused and excited to get projects off the ground that can improve the lives of everyone around you, either through specific or constant actions. Finally, bury once and for all the past that haunts you and insists on discouraging you. Think positive from now on, and lift your head up, because very soon you will take a big step forward and you will see the seeds you planted a long time ago finally sprouting with vitality.
This time in your annual cycle will be one of little focus, a lot of anxiety, deep fears, and anguish that will not pass easily, Libra. However, none of this means that it will be a phase without high points and great joys. For this, it is fundamental that you try to stay very focused on your most important projects and organize your goals in a strategic way, besides choosing which people you still want and need to keep around. Understand that each choice will be decisive in this journey that is about to change drastically. Furthermore, avoid exaggerated and unnecessary expenses, because having a savings account will avoid greater losses in the future and will solve unforeseen problems in your personal and professional life. Also, be careful with risky and pretentious proposals, because you could be dealing with people who want to take advantage of your innocence, enthusiasm, and inexperience.
Scorpio, your ruling orixá indicates that this last month of the year will be ideal for those who want to revolutionize their routine and make every day a more pleasurable, balanced, and fulfilling experience. For this, consider a change of job, take a risk in a new area of studies, leave behind toxic relationships, and be more focused than ever on building a new perception of yourself, whether in relation to beliefs, actions, or desires. Finally, learn once and for all to set limits, be clear and objective in your positions, and be open to sincere, constructive, and mature dialogues with those who have hurt or disappointed you along this path.
This time of the year will bring the ideal moment for you to put your stubbornness and thirst for conquests into practice, Sagittarian. This is because the final stretch of this journey tends to be very positive for those who have given their all throughout the year, whether professionally, educationally, spiritually, or in love. Also, focus on reviewing behaviors and improving your own attitudes if you want to avoid new disappointments, friction, clashes, and serious wear and tear from now on. The next cycle promises countless blessings, as well as abundance, prosperity, and much success for you and all those who are around you.
The message from on high to Capricornians is that December will be a month when you will be at full tilt, stubborn as ever towards new personal, professional, spiritual, and love ventures. For this you will need to make very important decisions, which will completely change your outlook and social position from now on. So, be very attentive also when choosing who should or should not follow this path by your side, because friendships and loves must be present, loyal, and compatible with what you seek and believe in. Remember: better alone than in bad company. Finally, forget the inconsequent agitation and try to focus on self-care, on the revitalization of your own soul, and on the fulfillment of your innermost dreams.
Aquarian, this final phase of the year 2021 will prove to be perfect for unexpected transformations and surprising twists in all possible areas. Be prepared to experience things you did not expect, especially in relation to family, work, studies, spirituality, and finances. Also, be very attentive to more daring external proposals, especially regarding partnerships or societies with friends and people you admire, because there could be some very interesting proposals for your future in the medium and long term. Furthermore, stop interpreting barriers or obstacles along the way as injustices, because they can also bring countless lessons. Realize that not so positive occurrences are part of this journey and can even push you further and further ahead.
At this final moment of the cycle, the ruling orixá of Piscianas indicates that excellent results and countless achievements will be achieved, a trend that will continue for the next months. Precisely because of this you tend to go through this transition in a much more pleasant and carefree way, always together with the people you love and protect so much. In addition, don’t stop putting yourself as a priority every day, be it regarding your health, studies, spirituality, or self-love. Remember that you do not deserve to sacrifice yourself for others at any cost. Finally, take advantage of this promising phase to start planning the next cycle in advance, because it tends to be full of blessings, lessons, gratitude, and smiles.
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