Personal year 1: what to expect in 2021

In Numerology 2021, we will have a year vibrating with the energy of number 5. Check out below how your personal year 1 will influence you over the next 12 months.
The personal year 1 in Numerology 2021
Number 1 is the number of new starts, opportunities, kick-offs. It’s the beginning of a new 9-year cycle that opens, here’s how to take advantage of it.
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2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5. This year, in numerology, we will therefore live under the energy of the number 5, a symbol of well-being and fulfillment. Check out the influence of Personal Year 1 in 2021 over the next 12 months below.
Personal Year 1 in 2021 will have a brand new start. After several very rough months full of new challenges, it is time to calm down so that everything is back to normal and back to normal.
Personal year 1 in love
If your number is 1, this year will be synonymous with new conquests. After a rather difficult heartbreak, there is no way for you to relaunch in a serious relationship. You want to live some free, happy and fulfilling time while enjoying the pleasures of browsing on the right and on the left.
But beware, you could well get caught in your own trap by falling under the spell of a person who, like you, likes to play the game of love and chance…
Personal year 1 at work
On the professional side, you will have to put in a lot of effort to get up to speed. Indeed, you will pay the price for some relaxation. You won’t have to worry too much about work for a while. Thinking only of having fun, going out and meeting new people, you have let go of an important part of your life.
Rest assured, you will quickly pull yourself together and come back stronger and flamboyant than ever. Even at work, nothing can resist you.
Personal year 1 in health and wellness
Finally, on the well-being side, things will be ambivalent. You really want to try to erase bad habits such as eating a little too rich or snacking for example. But your old demons sometimes still resurface and you have a hard time fighting them.
You are torn between wanting to do better, following certain rules, and wanting to have fun and let go. While it is true that one has one life, it must be taken care of as much as possible to maintain health as long as possible. Therefore, personal year 1 in 2021 will be marked by excess moderation.
Tips and recommendations for personal year 1 in 2021
The best thing you can do is do your best. Really think about your future, what you want for this year 2021 and list your goals. Keep them in mind every day and don’t have to.
Of course, you can give yourself moments of rest and respite. But you absolutely have to do everything to make things work your way. Now is the time to build the foundation for your future – it’s up to you to make that foundation as strong as possible.
Looking for another personal year?
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