Phases of the Moon in 2020: cycles and nature

Time passes and Earth’s old satellite continues to generate the same attraction and mystery for human beings as it did thousands of years ago. It is an astral body whose sections are illuminated or hidden according to their position in relation to the Sun. Knowing the phases of the Moon in 2020 will allow you to take into account the most appropriate times to perform certain actions.
The influence of the Moon on our planet and on human beings has been known since ancient times. Thus it affects the tides, influences agriculture when it comes to sowing, and is related to the menstrual cycle of women.
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This peculiar satellite is much smaller than the Sun, four hundred times smaller. However, when seen from the Earth, both celestial bodies look the same. This is because it is four hundred times closer to the Earth, which gives the impression that they are the same size.
The phases of the Moon in 2020 can help us to develop our self knowledge path and connection to the divine. When we’re truly focused on the power of nature to conduct and lead our lives it feels easier to live in a great and abundant mental health mood.
Phases of the Moon in 2020: the Moon and the cycles
Look at the world and you’ll see a multitude rhythmics of cycles. Our days last 24 hours and begin with the sun rising and then when the sun sets and the Moon shows it becomes night and then it becomes day again.
There’s a rhythm even for the seasons’ cycle: 3 by 3 months – approximately – the flowers bloom bringing colors to the planet, the sun beats its rays in a warm sunny day, and then leaves for a dry and cold season. In the cycle of ages, we’re born a baby, then we become a teen, later an adult. Everything turns around cycles. It wouldn’t be different with us.
That’s why it’s so important that we connect our lives with nature cycles, because in nature everything happens for a reason, all the animals, seasons, nourishment are there for a specific reason.
As women, we have additional senses of rhythm that connect us to the cycles of the Moon. Each month, our bodies have the ability to cleanse and rejuvenate through our menstrual cycle.
Water Element
I am river
born deep inside the Earth
my secret caves filled with gold
and precious stones
I am river
flowing undulating
on the land
like a serpent
I am river
gushing through openings
rubbing against the banks
like a woman in heat
I am river.
The Moon rules the water element which means oceans and rivers all over the planet Earth. We (human beings) are made of 70% water, so the Moon can strongly affect us. Our emotions are related to the water element so the Moon is connected to the way we feel, the way we relate to other beings, the way we express our deepest sensibility about life.
Full Moon: how does it influence your career, health, body and romance?
Besides wonderful, the Full Moon tends to let us more sensible and vulnerable which may reflect in our professional life. It may be hard to control emotions, lack of attention and dedication might happen. Avoid to work on your own, being in the company of your partners can be helpful. Listen to others.
If you’re a woman, the Full Moon is the most fertile phase of your cycle, if you’re considering getting pregnant it’s a good moment. Furthermore, be aware with anxiety and stress, always observe yourself to don’t overtake your limits.
Body and beauty
It’s such a sensible moment that you may not feel so confident with yourself, so investing on something that can help you to be more comfortable about your body and external appearance might be good in this period. Try to not judge yourself too hard, it’s ok if you don’t feel happy all the time and it’s even more ok if you recognize it.
Perfect timing for loving and be loved.
Waxing Crescent Moon
Time for prosperity and hands-on! Plans and ideas should be elaborated and executed in order to test its viability. You may feel more encouraged to take conscious risks and get out of your comfort zone increasing the rhythm so you can make your dreams come true. Just do it!
The Waxing Crescent Moon has the ability to favor a quick healing and recovering so if you have surgery or planing any healing treatment this moon phase can help with excellent results. Learn to listen to your body and you’ll know when it needs more time to relax and recover.
Body and beauty
Beauty treatments are welcome during this phase specially haircut if you want it to grow faster.
As the name says, Crescent Moon it is a great time to develop your relationship or (if you’re not in a relationship) meeting someone new and starting building one. Communication and honesty are keys for a open and respectful relationships.
New Moon
It represents a completely new cycle in life, a chance to change, to be grateful and to explore what is coming next.
New investments in finances area and projects are in focus. If you start something now, remember that the fruits won’t bloom tomorrow, but if you keep watering and caring, soon you’ll see that all your effort was worth it. Plan your ideas, organize yourself, write your goals and mentalize prosperity.
If your Zodiac sign element is water, it’s good to invest in physical activity, meditation and tea to reduce insomnia. The New Moon tends to let us more anxious and restless. However, it is always a great moment to start a new sport or hobby.
Body and beauty
Energetic cleanings and baths are welcome in this period so you open yourself to all new perspectives you want from this next lunation. Your body is your temple, take care of it.
It’s not the best moment to look for your perfect match. New Moon is about diving deep into your Inner Being and connect to your purpose, later when you feel like you’re following your heart then you share it with somebody.
Waning Crescent Moon
The Waning Moon claims for rest. Revise goals, next steps, take long breaths before speak and stay present. Do everything you need to not let yourself be affected by others energies and pessimism.
If you feel like you’re in a good moment of your life, try to keep this energy with you. Do not express that much either say it loud, save this good mood and share with who matter to you. Same happen to the opposite, it’s ok if you’re feeling down, so try to be with friends and share good vibes.
Body and beauty
Although it’s an introspective moment, self care is very helpful to let us more confident and stronger. Baths, facial masks and nice clothes may let you feel better.
You may feel like conversations are less intense so breakups are easier in this phase. Good moment to let it go what doesn’t fit you anymore.
Interested to see the Lunar Calendar for 2020? >>
The phases of the Moon in 2020 with WeMystic’s calendar
Phases of the Moon in 2019
New Moon
The New Moon is also know as Novilunium or Interlunium. It takes place when the Moon is in a position between the Earth and the Sun, in such a way that the hemisphere that receives sunlight is not visible from our planet.
This phase of the moon in 2019 implies a new stage, a kind of rebirth. It is an ideal time to embark on new trips, begin projects or start a career. You can count on the support of its positive influence.
This is a good opportunity to devote more time to relationships, start a beauty treatment or request a salary increase at your company when backed up by good work.
Phases of the New Moon in 2019
Waxing Quarter
The Waxing Quarter occurs when the visible surface of the satellite increases as seen from our planet. This is the moment when between 35% and 65% of the Moon’s surface can be seen, something that occurs in the afternoon and at the beginning of the night.
This is undoubtedly a propitious situation for doing business which will lead to monetary gains within a few days. It is a phase where it is easier to assimilate changes that you propose, whether it be starting a diet, starting a new relationship or starting to do sports.
The Waxing Quarter is very positive for any major assets that have been acquired recently, such as a house or a new car. It is also the ideal period to do a cleansing of your aura.
Phases of the Waxing Quarter in 2019
Full Moon
Among the phases of the moon in 2019, normally the Full Moon is the most popular. It occurs the instant the Earth is exactly between the Sun and the Moon. The visibility of the satellite is then 100%.
It’s time to make important decisions, to expose others to what we’ve been thinking about or working on. It is not a good time to start anything new and it is better to finish up stages and slow down a bit. Higher probability of births during this lunar phase.
This period is also ideal for resolving pending legal issues, preparing artistic projects or taking into account and knowing how to interpret prophetic dreams.
Phases of the Full Moon in 2019
Waning Quarter
The Waning Quarter is the lunar phase where the surface of the satellite that is visible from the Earth is reduced. Thus, the Moon can be seen at dawn and in the morning, ranging from 65% to 35% in visibility.
With the decrease of the visible surface of the Moon, plans related to your emotions may be decreased. You have to be careful. It is a period of rest where the most important thing is to be prudent and do things calmly.
It is a good time to try to channel the existing energy in your home, clean your auric field or deal with possible cases of melancholy or depression that you may be going through.
Phases of the Waning Quarter in 2019
Finally, we must talk about two types of Moon known as the Old Moon and the Black Moon. The first is very similar to the Visible New Moon. It is a small Moon that can only be seen at dawn, above the horizon just before the Sun rises. It is known as the waning Moon or the waning Crescent.
The other type of Moon would be the Black Moon. It occurs when the satellite is so close to the Sun in our sky that it is impossible to see it from the Earth even though we are at sunset or sunrise. The Sun’s light prevents us from seeing it.
Get to know the moon phases in 2019 with WeMystic’s calendar
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