Pisces Horoscope for February 2021

Here is your Pisces Horoscope for February 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Pisces Horoscope for February: what to expect
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Pisces Horoscope for February: LoveThe Full Moon in Virgo on February 27, will touch House VII of Pisces, signaling a new status in the natives’ personal relationships, including the interactions they maintain with themselves. After the lunar event, we will be able to observe significant changes in the dynamics between the couples of the sign, even the possibility of definitive breaks or temporary separations will not be ruled out. What for many will seem like an unexpected event, will not be for Pisceans; since with the retrogradation of Vesta in House VII of Pisces (from 19/01), they have meditated on what they expect from a relationship, and what they consider important. The Grand Earth Trine, which will hold the Moon in House VII of Pisces, with Mars in House III, and Pluto in House XI, alludes precisely to the native’s new way of thinking, and their value in communicating their decisions, without being bothered by pressure from third parties. On the other hand, Uranus and Mars in House III of Pisces, constitute valuable allies when organizing events and activities that allow for closer ties with siblings, and the members of the community in which you live. Finally, although the social agenda of the month is more internally oriented, rather than externally, with Pluto in the XI House of Pisces, the sons and daughters of the fish will seek advice from friends with more experience, or who they consider particularly wise. In this sense, Pluto in the XI House of Pisces also encourages contact with mentors, advisers, or people who, although not part of your inner circle, previously walked the path that you are beginning to discover. |
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Pisces Horoscope for February: MoneyThe entry of the dwarf planet Ceres to House II of Pisces (02/21) will highlight the dedication of the native, in the process of generating resources, building financial stability, and nurturing self-love. Keep in mind that with Chiron in the same location (House II), it is natural to have some doubts; However, it is important to remember that, in any circumstance, you can always count on yourself (you are your greatest ally). In the workplace, the presence of Juno in House X speaks of the native’s commitment to both their professional career and life mission, and the legacy that they aspire to consolidate in the future. In this sense, the trine between Mars in House III and Pluto in House XI (02/24), will be the perfect catalyst to land ideas, share your concerns, present proposals to control groups, and initiate collective or large projects. Let’s not forget that Mars and Uranus remain in House III of Pisces, translating into innovative thoughts, which will be promoters of change, as long as you take action in the process. |
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Pisces Horoscope for February: HealthThe transit of Venus through the XII House of Pisces, from 01 to 02/25, promotes a vision of the past, less critical or guilty. The native will learn to be more compassionate towards their “old self”, and will be more willing to forgive, and change perspective on the lessons of the past. With the planet of desire in the XII House of Pisces, the active stellium (accumulation of planets) is strengthened in this location, thanks to the simultaneous presence of Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury retrograde, the asteroid Pallas, and the Sun (until 02/18). A stellium in the XII House is a powerful means of connection with intuition and the spiritual realm; in addition to providing information on events of previous existence, and the duty of the native to their fellow men. With regard to Mercury retrograde in House XII (until 02/20), it constitutes an opportunity to unmask the hidden enemies (among friends and colleagues); free yourself from prejudices; and obtain messages from the unconscious, through dreams. Later, with the entry of the Sun into Pisces (02/18), the native will be able to connect with the true essence of being; visualize the best version of themselves; and redefine personal goals in the short and medium term. In this sense, the arrival of Venus to the sign of the fish (where Neptune is also found), refers us to the link with the desires of the soul, and the construction of a healthy self-esteem. |