Home safe home: 5 best plants and herbs to drive away evil
It’s no secret at all that houseplants are extremely suitable. After all, they are able to purify the air, add lightness and beauty to the environment and can still be useful as a spice or tea. However, you probably didn’t know that there are some plants and herbs to drive away evil spirits out of your family life.
This happens because plants and herbs bring the sun’s energy from where they get their strength to grow, while at the opposite extreme, evil spirits feed theirselves on darkness. Based on this principle, any plant can be useful for cleaning your home, but the seven below are the most suitable.
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The plants and herbs in this article are known to ward off envy and the evil eye, whether at home, in life or at work. Together, these plants combat any bad spirit.
Check out the superpower of each one of them, then make a pot of seven herbs and place them in the doorway of your home or next to your work table. Trust us, it will always protect against negative energy.
Plants and herbs to drive away evil and bad vibes

Plants and Herbs to Drive Away Evil – Rosemary
This delicious herb helps raise the vibration of people and environments. It is also considered a powerful natural stimulant, favoring mental and concentration activities for study and work. It favors and strengthens people’s spirits and vitality.
Originally from Europe, this evergreen and hardy shrub can reach up to 2m in height and can easily be found on stony ground. Its leaves are linear, narrow and opposite, green in color at the top and whitish at the bottom with fine hair.
Rosemary’s flowers are blue-violet and clustered in cluster axillary inflorescences and appear in spring and summer. It needs a lot of sun and doesn’t like very cold weather or strong winds.

Dumb Cane
This plant takes care of your material life. It also drives away envy and the evil eye. Its strength grows when it’s cultivated next to the Mother-in-law’s Tongue Plant and close to the house front door to protect you and your family from evil and bad vibes.
Grow it in a pot by the door and keep the soil always moist. Just remember that it’s a poisonous plant that should be kept out of reach of children and pets.

Mother-in-law’s Tongue Plant
The shape of its leaves resembles the sword of the famous Christian saint, St. George, who faced evil and killed the dragon with his powerful weapon.
Its flower essence provides psychic protection through clear discernment between good and evil, aligning the mind with the spiritual self, purifying it from negative thoughts and miasmas that tend to cloud discernment, thus allowing overcoming of negative and negative states and mental confusion.
The Mother-in-law’s Tongue Plant is a great choice for filtering formaldehyde, as well as carbon monoxide and benzene from the air. It is usually cultivated supported on tree fern fiber supports, in full sun or half shade.
It is tolerant to low temperatures. Given their impetuous growth, when in gardens, support them in palm trees or they can suffocate.

Plants and Herbs to Drive Away Evil – Rue
If you grow rue you probably prize it for its blue-green foliage but it has been associated with witchcraft as an antimagical herb since ancient Greek days. People in the Middle Ages used it as protection from witches’ spells and to ward off the plague. You might recognize the shape of the rue leaves as they were a model for the suit of clubs on playing cards.
Whether you believe in witches and evil-spirits or not, all of these herbs make good garden plants. Betony has outstanding blue flowers, while dill adds airiness with both flowers and foliage. Rue, especially the cultivar ‘Jackman’s Blue’ , has outstanding foliage and is a great plant for a knot garden. Use a golden or variegated form of mugwort for season long color. For height in the garden use angelica and dill in the back of the border.

This herb is very tasty and has the property of calming the mind and bringing peace of mind to all. By soothing tensions, we ward off negative thoughts and negativity.
Your tea acts as a light sedative, anti-rheumatic, combats headaches and gastritis, helps to eliminate stomach and intestinal gases, increases lactation.
Basil is a perennial herbaceous plant originating in Asia. It can reach up to 50cm in height. Its leaves are whole and oval shaped. Its flowers are hermaphrodite, of lilac placement and grouped in spike inflorescences. Its seeds are also tasty and have a bluish-black color. It enjoys full sun, well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Don’t like very cold weather. It can be propagated by cuttings or seeds.
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