Polarities: a basic division of Astrology

The zodiacal wheel is the maximum symbol of Astrology, where we can see the 12 signs and the 12 houses. Through the classifications of these 12 signs, we can start the astrological basic studies. There are some classifications and perhaps the most famous is the one by elements. In this article, we will talk about another important division: polarities.
Polarities explained
The polarities divide the zodiacal wheel into two groups of six signs each. They come from the concept of yin and yang. In this way, polarities divide the signs into feminine (yin) and masculine (yang). The first sign of this division is Aries (masculine) and they always follow an order of alternation. The second sign, which is Taurus, is feminine and so on.
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The signs that are influenced by yang have a more expansive and communicative essence. The elements that form this set are Fire and Air:
We can use the figure of the Father to illustrate the yang energy. The sun, logic, and expanding mind also associate with that energy. Usually, when people have enough masculine energy in the birth chart, they are quite imposing. They also usually take less time to make decisions.
In the other hand, the ying signs are calmer and introverted. Its elements are Earth and Water:
In juxtaposition with the Father, here the figure of the Mother is the center. The yin energy links to the Moon, the feelings, and our unconsciousness. When there is enough feminine energy in the birth chart, individuals are more sensitive and prone to dream. There is also strong intuition and more organic attitudes.
Yin and Yang
Lao Zi (or Lao-Tse) was a Chinese philosopher responsible for founding Taoism. This philosophical and mystical doctrine preached that for a human being to reach the Divine, there was only one way: balance.
Taoism says that in order to rise, we should often reflect on our existence. Always very quiet and calm. And to arrive in this state of harmony, the energies must always be balanced.
Yin and yang represent the two sides of everything that exists: light and darkness, cold and heat, our inspiration and exhalation. They symbolize two halves that are not always very visible, like matter and spirit for example. One does not exist without the other and ideally they fit in perfectly. The goal is to complete without overlapping.
These polarities exist to ensure the universal balance of all things that exist. When we lean more to the negative or positive side, we are in disharmony with the Universe. And when we are in disharmony, something does not feel right. We feel stressed and prone to self-destruction when the masculine takes hold of us. Or if the problem is the feminine, we can become too apathetic and fanciful.
So astrologically speaking, if someone has 80% yin energy and 20% yang they will not be able to change their birth chart. However, you can always be aware that your attitudes should follow these concepts of balance for a better live here on Earth.
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