Prosperity corner: find the abundance around it

For Feng shui practitioners, prosperity corner is a corner full with good energy and with great importance in their homes and workplace.
If you are beginning to apply the rules of Feng shui in your home or if you simply want to activate the energy of abundance and prosperity in your life, these tips are very useful for you. Make sure you don’t forget any of them.
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Prosperity corner: a simple explanation
Prosperity corner is known as a corner that, decoratively, is responsible for attracting good energy to our lives. Since ancient chinese times, in the homes of the noble and wealthy people, prosperity corners have been used as a powerful amulet.
In recent years this custom has become known in the West, and those who practice it, are able to testify its effectiveness.
How to locate your prosperity corner?
Feng shui states that the prosperity corner is the one that on the left, diagonally opposite, at the entrance of the living room. To find the right spot, go to the door of your living room, raise your left arm and point to the far corner. This is your prosperity corner.
In a workplace, the prosperity corner also corresponds to that spot located on the left diagonal at the main entrance.
But this is not the only prosperity site in your house. The classical school of Feng shui, which starts from the coordinates and the division of spaces into nine exact squares, assigned the southeast coordinate as that of wealth, prosperity and abundance.
Place yourself in the center of your house, and using a compass, find the southeast coordinate. This is the main sector of prosperity in your home.
Feng Shui in home decor
Feng Shui decoration at home is not very traditional, but it will provide a loving, supportive, fun and happy home for you and your family. The first step in decorating your home, based on the Feng Shui philosophy, is to organize and clean it.
Then, you will begin to select the decorative items that will bring harmony and the energy you need in each environment. See four tips below for a Feng Shui decoration:

Use the elements of luck for each sector
There are five Feng Shui elements that can be used in the decoration of the house to attract the necessary energy for each sector of your life, among them are wooden furniture or other wooden elements that must be placed in the eastern sector.
In the northern sector, the ideal is to use the water element through a small fountain or aquarium.
To find out which part of your house represents each area of your life, you can use the bagua map, so you will decorate each room or corner of a room with the elements that will bring the best energy to that area of your life.

Use colors in the decoration
The most powerful way to change your home’s energy and attract what you want more quickly is by filling it with color! Using the bagua map, you will know which color to put in each room.
You don’t necessarily need to paint the walls in the ideal color, just an item, object or piece of furniture in that color will attract the energy .
See below what each color activates:
- Red: luck and wealth. Ideal to be used in the room or corner of success or love.
- Yellow: mental stimulation, power. Suitable for rooms and corners that represent success, wealth and religion.
- Green: peace, balance, healing. It should be used in the family room or corner.
Blue: calm, communication, spirituality. It should be used in the room or corner of business and religion. - White: cleanliness and purity. It is ideal for the area of love, children and dreams.
- Black: power. It should be used in the working room.

Prosperity corner – Have plants
Plants symbolize the vital energy for Feng Shui and bring freshness, health and vitality to your home. If you have little time or do not understand plants very well, try to find species that are easy to care for and appropriate for each space. For example, take into account the ambient lighting when choosing the plant that you will use in the decoration.
The most recommended plants are peace lilies, pothos and ferns. They are easy to care for and are good air filters.
They are very suitable to be placed in the corners or rooms that ask for the energy of the earth element, as in those that represent the area of religion and love.

Use artwork, mirrors and decorative objects
Feng Shui guides the use of these objects to create a sense of depth in spaces. You can use in the rooms, for example, carpets, pictures and mirrors over a fireplace.
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