Make your protection bottle with these simple steps

The ancient tradition of creating a protection bottle is related to modern rituals, that somehow lost their link to its primordial meanings. Therefore, even if you have never heard or done a protection bottle, you’ll be surprised how it’s connected to celebrations we all keep following. Feeling curious?
The United Kingdom was a center of pagan and ritualistic practices. Nowadays, a new interest in ancient beliefs is leading us to discover how strongly connected is the world today, with the past. Migrations, wars, revolutions, resulted in interesting mixes of cultures and also new approaches to old beliefs.
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Let’s get specific and find out the roots of the protection bottle!
Ancient roots of the protection bottle
Archeologists are still finding protection bottles, especially in England. These are usually buried or hidden in some part of old houses, many times in the entering parts, but can also be found in fireplaces or in the center.
Protection bottles were part of the Samhain rituals, on the Celtic calendar. The Samhain corresponds to Halloween, or with Dia de Los Muertos, or other celebration versions of this day. Around the world, different forms of living this day can be found, but they all have the same base. There is a connection with the spirits from the other world since the borders from this world and the Otherworld are by this time easier to cross. At the same time that offerings were placed in the houses for the souls of those in the family who were already gone, protection rituals were also important.
Consequently, a protection bottle was an instrument of protection from the lost souls, but also from the spells of the dark witches.
Protection bottle nowadays
Why would you still want to have a protection bottle? It will protect you, our family, and your home from negative energies. It doesn’t mean someone is making spells against you. Despite that, positive and negative energies are always around. It doesn’t mean people want to warm you, but they might intentionally or not, send you negative energies, and it is interesting to have some protection tools.
You can do your protection bottle around the 31st of October, the Samhain season, and embed it at the entry points of your house.
There are a few steps for you to make your own protection bottle. Find out how to do it!
Do your own protection bottle
The traditional ingredients of the protection bottle might sound weird at first, but you can always adapt it.

The bottle
The bottle must be of glass or ceramics. Chose the one that makes more sense to you, or that you have available. You can decorate it with drawings of sculps, or other protection elements that you are connected with, but it’s not mandatory.

You’ll need sharp materials like nails clipping or iron nails, hair, thorns, razor blades, or bent pins. Then, salt, a red string, a black candle, and wine.
Start by putting inside three of the sharp materials.

Make it your own bottle
In ancient times, and this is probably the oddest part of the ritual, there was the habit of marking it with pee. If you feel comfortable with the idea, go for it, but if it’s too much, use wine. Put the wine inside, and if you feel comfortable, spit on it.

Seal your protection bottle
Seal the bottle with wax from your black candle. It’s a magic tradition, and you can add the red string to make it stronger. Black is a good color to protect you from negativity.

Place your protection bottle
There are two main different opinions, and you must follow what makes sense for yourself. One says that it must be placed in a hidden place in the house, while the other says it must be buried somewhere far from the house so that the bad energies stay away from you. Which one will you prefer?
The connection with ancient rituals gives you the power and offers protection. It’s different to just randomly think about protecting yourself or to stop and actually put it in the material world. Just for the fact that you are taking time to do something for you, will already increase your protection.
Other ways of making your protection bottle
Find a small bottle, that you like and that has a good cap, if you get one with a cork stopper, even better.
When you have the bottle, gather the following elements:
- A little salt, hopefully marine;
- A black crystallite, can be onyx, tourmaline or obsidian. We recommend tourmaline as it is a crystal with an intermediate energy point, since obsidian can sometimes be very strong and make you feel bad;
- Dried sprigs of sage, bay leaf or basil;
- A cinnamon stick or ground cinnamon;
- A little image or medal of a Divine Being that you consider protects you: an Angel, Saint Benedict, etc.
To make the protection bottle, you also need an incense, copal, sage or palo santo.
When gathering all the necessary elements, look for a quiet and uninterrupted place. Light the incense and pass it through all the elements that will make up the protection bottle, including the container.
As you pass it, repeat the following out loud:
I, (your name), cleanse you of any negative energy they may have.
I program them to serve as protection at all times. Remove people, situations and energies that want to cause me harm.
Thanks, because it’s already done.
Next, put the salt in the bottom of the bottle, then the dry branches, the crystal you have chosen, the cinnamon and finally the image or medal.
Close the bottle tightly, and run the incense through it again.
Using the protection bottle
The first thing to keep in mind is that nobody can see or touch your bottle, you should keep it in a place where only you have access to it.
If, for example, you have a small bottle, you can always carry it in your bag or briefcase.
Or if, on the contrary, you made the protection bottle for your business or workplace, keep it in a locked drawer.
It is also very important that you are paying attention to your bottle. If any of its elements is filled with mold, rust, or gets wet, change it immediately. Get new items and re-make the protection bottle, and bury the old one in a pot or in a garden or public park.
Do not forget, when you are burying it, thank the bottle for the protection it gave you, because if its appearance changed it is because it surely fulfilled its objective.
It is also possible that, without any explanation, your bottle disappears, if this happens it is because it also fulfilled its objective, and you need to replace it with a new one.
Never open the protection bottle, because it would lose its qualities and its protection barrier, and you would have to get rid of it immediately.
Also, when opening the bottle, the negative and heavy energy that has accumulated would be released.
If your bottle is still intact, give it an incense or incense stick from time to time and help it to clean everything it has absorbed.
There is another situation that can occur with your protection bottle, and that is that it breaks. If this happens, immediately sweep all the content and, as soon as you can, bury it safely.
Dare to have your own protection bottle and always carry it with you!
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