Psalm 86: a supplication to God for mercy

Psalm 86 is a prayer of supplication to God for His constant mercy. It is the plea of someone who feels persecuted or besieged; someone who seeks to leave their problems and tribulations in the hands of God, so this Psalm is also associated with a request for help from the Most High.
This time we will tell you how you can apply this prayer in your daily life. Gain confidence with God entrusting your anguish, sorrow and spiritual discomfort.
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Supplication and gratitude to God with Psalm 86
The complaints expressed in Psalm 86 are humble and have a certain burden of simplicity, in addition to being related to the recollections of some psalms of the Bible.
The composition of this prayer is divided into three parts: supplication to God for His trust, gratitude to Yahweh, and supplication for the solution to the attacks of spiritual enemies.
There are two passages of this Psalm that make us think that his writing is motivated by several reasons, by the peculiar way it was written. In fact, many experts think that it takes a writing after the exile of Babylon.
The fact that it is a writing without so many comparisons and in such a serious tone, makes the author’s appeal much clearer to us readers. The author of this psalm is David
This Psalm reflects what each person can feel with the right to have the protection of God, who is the true center of our life, not only in the spiritual aspect.
The time in which this psalm was written invites us to true reflection and its application in our lives: the people of Israel were in exile, pleading for the help of God, the true believers felt dejected and David reflected his feel in this writing.
In the same way, in a world where every day we see hostilities of all kinds, that can make us waver on our way to encounter God, the only way to solve our problems is to leave our souls in the hands of the Father so that he can infinite mercy lift him up.
Our God is powerful and full of justice, and like His children, we must expect His indulgence for the forgiveness of our sins and salvation in the face of punishment.
Psalm 86
“1 Hear me, Lord, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.
2 Guard my life, for I am faithful to you;
save your servant who trusts in you.
You are my God; 3 have mercy on me, Lord,
for I call to you all day long.
4 Bring joy to your servant, Lord,
for I put my trust in you.5 You, Lord, are forgiving and good,
abounding in love to all who call to you.
6 Hear my prayer, Lord;
listen to my cry for mercy.
7 When I am in distress, I call to you,
because you answer me.8 Among the gods there is none like you, Lord;
no deeds can compare with yours.
9 All the nations you have made
will come and worship before you, Lord;
they will bring glory to your name.
10 For you are great and do marvellous deeds;
you alone are God.11 Teach me your way, Lord,
that I may rely on your faithfulness;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
12 I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.
13 For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths,
from the realm of the dead.14 Arrogant foes are attacking me, O God;
ruthless people are trying to kill me—
they have no regard for you.
15 But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
16 Turn to me and have mercy on me;
show your strength in behalf of your servant;
save me, because I serve you
just as my mother did.
17 Give me a sign of your goodness,
that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,
for you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me.”
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