Quarantine: an opportunity for self-analysis

You are not the only one asking this question, many people say: “I am intelligent, I take the time to analyze and reflect on what I am going through, I have read books on psychoanalysis, I’ve understood the importance of certain events from my childhood, introspection does not scare me, in short, I do not see what a psychoanalyst could teach me more about myself than I already know.” So quarantine: an opportunity for self-analysis, is perfect to take a look within yourself.
Quarantine: an opportunity for self-analysis
During this quarantine, to analyze yourself, don’t make the mistake of digging and analyzing your thoughts or beliefs. You will waste a lot of time in your personal development. On the other hand, we advise you, just as Freud the great psychoanalyst used to do, to go dig into your unconscious to find the conditioning that shapes your conscious mind.
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The person you are today is the result of all the emotional shocks of your past, and all the trauma experienced in your childhood and adolescence. If Freud were to speak in public, he would tell you that you are what your inner child wants you to be. In other words, you suffocate under the weight of the suffering of your inner child who lives only in your brain unconscious reptilian.
Dig into your unconscious to find the conditioning that shapes your conscious mind.
The perfect solution to do your self-therapy, your own psychoanalysis and your self-analysis is therefore to dive into your unconscious. It is like diving into your bowels, that is to say, your body tense, blocked, rigid and oppressed by your fears and your negative emotions.
What methods to achieve self-healing on your own?
If you get a cold, do you go straight to the doctor? Not necessarily. You open your pharmacy box and practice self-medication. Well, for self-therapy, the principle is the same: we can try to heal naturally. Basically, if you have a soul flu, you need a therapist to help you heal. But if it is a lighter ailment, it is not always necessary to consult.
Working on oneself therefore begins with a mental analysis by asking the following questions:
- Who am I?
- Where am I?
- Where do I want to go?
You can ask yourself these 3 questions and answer them as honestly as possible. This will give you a very good foundation for continuing with much more introspection.
Because when we get there, we usually face blockages, fears, which can have their origin in many different things. You may have experienced trauma, you may have suppressed certain emotions, it can also come from other lives for those who believe in parallel lifetimes. In any case, this is the beginning of questions about the past and what may have caused the blockages that you have today.
Quarantine: an opportunity for self-analysis and reading about it
These books compels us to analyse our thought process and make the correct changes to it. They are perfect reading material:
- “The Secret”, by Rhonda Bryne;
- “Power, Freedom and Grace”, by Deepak Chopra;
- “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”, by Deepak Chopra;
- “Power of Subconscious Mind”, by Dr. Joseph Murphy;
- “The Magic of Thinking Big”, by David Schwartz.
These are really uplifting books and can change one’s life once implemented practically in lives.
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