Reiki in animals: healing with energy

Reiki in animals as an energetic healing practice has become a trend in recent years, in order to help our pets heal their physical and emotional ailments.
Although Reiki takes a long time to practice, its use in animals only began to be applied relatively recently.
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Rei means “spirit” and Ki “energy“, so Reiki translates energy of the spirit. In other words, Reiki is a form of energy healing through the laying on of hands.
Through Reiki in animals, what is sought is for the energy to flow properly and help them heal physically and emotionally.
Benefits of Reiki in animals
When the technique of laying on of hands is applied to animals, the energy flows properly throughout the body.
This energetic movement allows the symptoms suffered by diseases to be improved, and also improves the behavior and mood of our furry friends.
In addition, the use of Reiki in animals, as in the rest of energy and holistic therapies, has no side effects.
Other important benefits of the use of this energy therapy in our friends:
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Helps to cope with the effects of chemotherapy;
- Accelerates recovery processes;
- Increase confidence;
- Relieves anxiety, stress and fear.
But the advantages do not stop here, Reiki in animals not only benefits the patient, but the therapist, who serves as an instrument to unblock energy, also manages to move their own energy.
It is good, but you must be patient
There are some aspects that you must keep in mind when practicing Reiki. The first one is that a single session is not enough.
You must be patient, as there are pathologies and situations, such as abuse, that require several sessions.
So listen to the advice of the energy therapist and do not be disappointed if after the first session you do not notice significant changes. In the same way, it is very important that in cases of illness, you also go to your trusted veterinarian.
Keep in mind then that all the benefits of energy therapies in animals depend on the perseverance and patience that we have during the therapy.
Reiki and other therapies
The advantage of practicing Reiki in animals is that you can go to other therapies at the same time.
For example, gem therapy, the use of essential oils, Bach flowers and even acupuncture, can be applied at the same time as Reiki, without causing problems for our animals.
How is a Reiki session in animals?
Since the behavior of animals is different from humans, it is important that you know what Reiki sessions in animals are like, so that both you and your furry friend feel calm and at ease.
As we told you above, Reiki is practiced through the laying on of hands.
In this sense, the therapist will place his hands on the animal at specific points for approximately three minutes.
It is not necessary for the “patient” to stay still, as the therapist is trained to find its points and even practice Reiki from a distance.
Although Reiki is an excellent alternative to treat, concomitantly, diseases and emotional problems, do not forget to always consult your trusted veterinarian.
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