Reiki symbols and their meaning

Reiki symbols do not solve all difficulties miraculously. Symbols are used in meditation, essentially to reach our depth of mind, our qualities of mind and our spiritual, to face the difficulties of our life.
So there are indeed symbols in Reiki, but as in any practice on the recognized mind, which are only interior supports to put in place and develop our qualities of mind through meditation. Thus, the use of symbols comes in meditation support, and not as a pentacle that would do a job for us, like a magic wand.
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What is Reiki?
Reiki is a method of Japanese energy care by putting hands. It transmits universal energy to relieve suffering and bring inner peace. The Reiki symbols complement this treatment, to allow you to work with more precision on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
Learning symbols is part of Reiki training. In each of the three Reiki degrees, the teacher or trainer teaches different symbols: their writing, their sound and their meaning. These are ideograms, which act as inner supports during practice.
To be able to use the energy of a Reiki symbol, you must first be introduced to this symbol by a master trainer. Otherwise, it will be without effect.
The meaning of Reiki symbols
The Reiki symbols were previously only passed on orally by the Reiki teacher to his student. Meanwhile, the Reiki symbols are also written down. The Reiki second-degree student will be presented with the following three Holy Reiki symbols to enhance the vibrations of the life energy:
This protective symbol promotes the positive energies and cleanses them from any negative that still resonates.
This Reiki symbol is for the protection of one’s home, the ego. Above all, it affects the mental level. The symbol helps to free the mind of everything superfluous and to let go of the past. The symbol consists of four parts.
This Reiki symbol is a remote healing symbol. It supports karma dissolution and gives positive energy for future projects. It takes 22 steps to draw the symbol.
The third degree of Reiki teaching turns the student into a Reiki master. For this he receives the master symbol in Reiki: DAI KO MYO. The Reiki Master symbol is also called the “Heart of Reiki” because it promotes an even more intense connection of the life energy to the soul of the Reiki Master.
Thus, the Reiki Master gains unrestricted access to the cosmic energy and can apply it in all areas of life and circumstances. It enables the former student to teach as a Master to other Reiki students and pass on the knowledge of the Universal Energy to them.
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