3 rituals for the eclipses of 2021

All astrological events or planetary alignments have an influence on the earth and on people, eclipses are no exception. In this article, in addition to mentioning those that will occur this year, we will see some rituals for the eclipses of 2021 that you can do.
Rituals for the eclipses of 2021
Take advantage of the influx of this extra energy and perform rituals for the eclipses of 2021.
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It should be noted that the energy of the eclipse lasts for a couple of weeks, but the closer to the time of the eclipse you make them, the more energy there will be. Here are some ritual options for the 2021 eclipses.
1. Lunar eclipse ritual to release what limits you
Reserve a space where no one will disturb you and light a candle, place a glass of water and a bowl next to it where you can burn paper.
Call and connect with your guides, your guardian angel, your higher self and there, before that candle, begin to pay attention to the energy of the Sacred Fire.
Think and remember your Eternal Call of Love that burns within you. The spirit of fire is a reflection of your soul and carries with it the energy of truth.
Write the phrase on a piece of paper:
“I release myself from everything that stops me, now I understand, now I release myself and I thank the guides.”
Then burn the paper and throw the ashes into the street and don’t look back. After this, write another letter but this time of healing, have a clear intention, centered on love, feel or imagine a symbol of healing, an angel, a guide…
2. Solar eclipse ritual to attract good luck
On the day of the solar eclipse, light three orange candles in a plate or glass with raw rice, also light a lavender incense. With everything on, think about all the positives in your life and say the following slowly:
“Goddess of Luck, answer me at last. Lucky Goddess, she runs towards me. When the sun shines again, luck will be with me.”
Throw the remains of the candle, the incense and the rice in the trash. Wash the plate and use it normally.
3. Solar ritual to be happy in love
When the eclipse occurs, write your name and the name of the person you love on a yellow piece of paper. Break three pieces of charcoal and put them on top of the paper along with three old coins in a glass filled with sugar.
Then light two white candles on a saucer and say:
“I ask you that like the gypsies Pablo and Sarita who are always together, we also walk together.”
Bury everything you used in the ritual in a flowery garden.
Eclipses in 2021 that you can take advantage of
In 2021 we will be able to enjoy four eclipses (two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses), although not all of them can be seen from where you live, anyway, you can take advantage of their energy and do rituals for the 2021 eclipses.
Total lunar eclipse, May 26th
The first is on May 26 and is a total lunar eclipse. Known as the Blood Moon, it happens when the earth sets between the Sun and the Moon, leaving the latter completely dark.
This makes us see our natural satellite reddish in color, copper. This eclipse can be seen in much of South America, East Asia and Australia.
Annular Solar Eclipse, June 10th
The annular eclipse of the Sun also called “ring of fire” occurs when the moon is between the Earth and the Sun, but it does not cover it completely since it is very far from the Earth, revealing an orange ring around the Moon.
This eclipse can be seen in parts of Europe, Russia, northwestern Africa, northern Canada, and Greenland.
Partial Solar Eclipse, June 10th
This eclipse occurs when the Sun is partially blocked. In some territories of the world the total eclipse is seen and in others it is partially seen, such as North America, part of Europe and Asia.
Partial lunar eclipse, November 19th
On November 19, the second lunar eclipse of the year occurs, but this will be partial. It can be seen in various regions of Asia, Europe, South America, Australia and Northwest Africa.
Total solar eclipse, December 4th
December 4, 2021 will be the day of the total solar eclipse, the moon will intervene and completely cover the Sun in view of planet Earth. However, this phenomenon can only be observed in Antarctica, southern South America and Australia.
Partial solar eclipse, December 4th
In other areas of the planet the partial eclipse of the Sun will be observed this day, such as in southern Africa, South America and in the South Atlantic, here you can see how the Moon partially covers the Sun as seen from Earth.