The power of Saturn cycles and how they influence our lives

Saturn is one of the planets that most influences us in terms of journey and achievements. They are usually not fun. On the contrary, they can be pretty hard but are necessary. In this article, we will talk about everything you need to know about Saturn cycles and how they influence each step of our lives.
Saturn cycles: what to know
During life, as you mature and become more of an observer, you realize that everything is made up of cycles. You begin to understand that everything has a beginning, middle and an end. Dealing with these cycles is usually painful, but as your awareness about them grows, the process can become less distressing.
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Like every planet, Saturn has its own cycle. The cycle of a planet begins in the position where it was when you were born and ends when the planet returns to that point, in its trip around the Sun. Saturn is a slow planet which takes about 29.4 years to travel around the Sun. This means that the majority of people experience two complete Saturn cycles during life. If they are lucky, three.
The more interesting about Saturn is that within this complete cycle, we can observe what we can call mini cycles, all of seven years. This happens because every seven years, Saturn forms particular astrological conjunctions that represent an important milestone in our lives. Culminating in the fourth mini cycle around the age of 28, the famous Saturn Return.
Saturn cycles and the phases
By the way, have you noticed how number 7 has a strong presence in our lives? For some, number 7 is the lucky number. For others, it is synonymous with crisis. Everyone has heard of the 7-year crisis in marriage, for example. Nothing is by chance and now we will talk about each phase of Saturn cycles.
Age 0-6/7
You are born. You leave the comfortable place which was your home for the past 9 months and is thrown to this difficult world. Everything is new and you need to learn how to breathe, open your eyes and catch some new glimpses of what is going to be your life from now on.
As you grow older, you are still a completely dependent human being and can not survive alone. It is only when you are approaching age 7 that your perception changes and your basic skills as well. Now you are able to communicate with a little more clarity and a mini human being begins to be formed.
Age 7-13/14
At age 7, most children start questioning their parents and some enter into a spiral of rebellion against them. They resist the care and authority of their parents and even the sweetest of children can become a nightmare. At school, it is when the studies start for real and the child learns to read and write. What an important milestone!
During this phase, the child also begins to socialize and to create the first significant bonds of friendship.
Age 14-20/21
This is when the sweetest of children can become a rebel, again. At age 14, teens carry anguish within themselves that they have not yet learned to control or outsource. We can not blame them, Saturn and the hormones are really demanding a lot from them.
At this stage, it is when the contact with the other becomes more intimate and, for the great majority, is when the first sexual relations happen.
Age 21-28/29
You have come of age. You are an adult now.
At age 21, you feel you can break all the ties you had with your parents, even if you love them. Now you know you own the basic as a human being to survive alone and start enjoying this independence feeling.
But Saturn neves gives a reward without asking for something in return, and vice versa. As you are free, you have some new responsibilities and skills to develop. It is the beginning of your career and adult life.
Age 28/29
As you approach age 28/29, Saturn is coming back to the starting point and bringing a lot of anguish. Before, it was your parents, but now you question yourself. What am I doing? What should I be doing? Who am I now?
At age 27, most of the people take radical decisions either be moving to a new city, quitting a job or a long relationship. It is a year that Saturn puts full pressure and it is hard to deal with it.
Saturn Return comes to show that the work that this planet needed to do with you is done, at least for now. As Saturn Return passes by, you feel relief. It is like you can wake up with bright new eyes, facing the world from a different perspective – exactly how when you were born. And it starts all over again.
Reflect on Saturn cycles
Understanding the phases of Saturn cycles is understanding the different stages of human life. Saturn is like a demanding father who knows exactly when to push harder.
He knows how much we can put up with and this is why he is presenting the changes every 7 years. To give us time to digest the changes and learn. So do not despair. Trust that the Universe is wonderful and everything is temporary.
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