Saturn Return: 30s crisis

You already know that the Universe is perfect, right? It is all made up of cycles that allows us to go through trials and learn valuable lessons at the right time. Consider Saturn Return an important milestone in your life. If you are 27 or 28 years old you have already begun to feel the influence of this phenomenon.
Saturn is after all challenging. In every cycle, Saturn raises the challenge by raising the difficulty bar, and you have to jump on it, or you do not. This is because we are constantly reliving events that are repeated over a certain period of time, which have already occurred, occur and will continue to occur.
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Through the Saturn Cycles we learn to develop. At one point, repetition makes us reflect, mature, and grow. Cycles (like circles) are always around us, having a beginning and an end; they always come back to the beginning and circling. The astrological mandala itself is a circle, the solar system itself with the sun in the center (being the main star represented in astrology by a circle with a dot in the middle), the planets always being round, and causing cyclically repeated events, among other examples.
What is Saturn Return?
Our birth chart is nothing more than the picture of the sky at the moment we saw the light outside the womb for the first time. In astrology, when a planet or star returns to the exact spot where it was when someone was born, we call it “return.” In this way, unlike retrogradations that affect everyone at the same time, the returns are always personal.
All stars and planets have returns as they are in constant motion. But why is Saturn Return so much more important than the others? Because when the cycle is fast, so is its return. This means that a certain star will go through its threshold several times during someone’s life and these changes will not make much noise.
Saturn takes about 29 ½ years to make a full circle around the Sun. However, astrologers say the effects begin to be felt a couple of years earlier. The second Saturn return would happen between 56 and 58 years old.
The time of 29 years is the maturation process of any individual for adult life. Although people currently say that the 30s are the new 20s, many feel that it is when they turn 30 years old that they begin to have a different perception of life, like magic.
Saturn Return: why is it so important?
Some will say that their 20s are the best time of their lives. It is when we are not teenagers anymore. We feel like adults, but we are still innocent of many things. And of course we only know that when we are 30.
This is the planet that relates to our karma and our purpose here on Earth. That is why it is so important. When Saturn begins to approach its starting point, the influence comes from sudden.
Usually, people feel a lot of pressure they have never felt. It starts with a nuisance, a charge that never existed before. “Who am I?”, “What am I doing with my life”, “Where should I go?” are frequent questions of those who go through this.
We see reports of major changes at age 27. People end up long relationships, move to another city or country, quit their job. Or they choose to buy a house or take a gap year. All these drastic attitudes are nothing more than a response to a pressure cooker about to explode.
There are even those who believe that there is a Saturn Return connection with the 27 club. Supposedly, the artists who died at the age of 27 would not have been able to deal with such pressure on them. Then, they have surrendered to drug and alcohol abuse to try to escape reality.
Saturn Return: is it time for a revolution?
It depends. Definitely, this period that lasts about three years has much to stir and teach. But more than all this, observe. It may be hard, but what Saturn Return proposes is that you get out of your shell and face life as a grown up person.
This turns out to be an incentive to unleash your full potential. If you feel trapped in some situation and deep down you know you could conquer much more, yes, revolutionize yourself! This is the best time for that.
We recommend that you make your birth chart map before Saturn Return comes to your life, so you will know exactly in which area this planet is likely to affect the most. Being aware of the events that happen in our lives and we can not avoid is also a good key to keeping your faith in place.
Review your purpose but be confident that everything will turn out well. We are always saying that Saturn never leaves your children helpless and at the end of the day offers a good reward for staying strong.
This is an excellent preparation for this phase that has everything to be brutal but equally wonderful and life changing. Welcome to adulthood!
Some aspects to consider about Saturn return
As we have said before, Saturn return is usually a shock to everything we knew and how we knew it. It can affect differently but usually affects different areas such as:
- The couple: do you take time in a relationship that is only comfortable for you? Maybe the return of Saturn gives you that energy that you were looking for to define what you want and what not in your life.
- At work: have you spent too much time doing a job for which you felt not qualified? Did you leave your dreams parked away for the reality of money? Perhaps this return begins to put things in order; this way you choose, once and for all, if the important thing is your dreams or your financial stability.
As a conclusion you do not have to see the return of Saturn as something negative, quite the opposite. Look at it as a stage of order in which things take a natural order.
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