Scorpio Horoscope 2020

Looking for the Scorpio Horoscope for 2020? Every month, you will find here the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign. Check the Horoscope for Scorpio, in 2020.
Scorpio Horoscope 2020: a year in review
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in January
On January 10, Uranus will begin its direct trajectory in the Scorpio’s House VII, translating into a better understanding of the responsibilities and duties inherent in a relationship (sentimental or business), regardless of what social conventions dictate.
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The entry of Mars into Scorpio’s House II (01/03), favors actions or ventures oriented to the achievement of profits, in the short term; however, this astrological position can lead the native to participate in risky investments, with the objective of obtaining rapid gains.
Lilith will enter Scorpio’s House VI, on 01/27. This transit, in high vibration, drives the native to overcome their limitations, and work for their expansion. However, in low vibration, it focus on the rejection of authority and standards, especially compliance with necessary medical treatments.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in February
The first annual retrogradation of Mercury will take place on February 16, on the V House of Scorpio, which can cause serious problems, if you are immersed in a clandestine relationship, since many secrets will be discovered.
Retrograde Mercury in the V House of Scorpio also makes dialogue with children difficult, in adolescent or adult age. It is necessary to gather patience, and have the willingness to place yourself in the shoes of the other.
The Full Moon in Leo on 09/02 will affect the Scorpio’s House X, pointing to the need to take care of the public image, free from emotional limitations, and attend to the soul’s desires, rather than the expectations of third parties.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Juno in the XII House of Scorpio (02/08), can feed an uncompromising attitude towards those who do not agree with your plans. Remember that thinking differently is not a crime.
In the same way, this stellar position can encourage excessive concern for others, to avoid reflecting on your situation.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in March
On March 4, Venus will enter the Scorpio’s House VII, favoring communication between couples, and enjoying romantic moments.
The entry of the Sun in the Scorpion House VI (03/19) refers to significant changes in your work environment, which may involve a favorable change of position or department, and salary adjustments.
The presence of the asteroid Vesta in the Scorpio’s House VIII, as of 03/21, constitutes a valuable ally to work in the analysis of the traumas and deep fears of being, with the accompaniment of a qualified therapist.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in April
Venus will enter Scorpio’s House VIII, on April 3, inviting to deepen couple relationships, through the exchange of ideas, and erotic pleasures.
With Mercury in the VI House of Scorpio, from 11 to 04/26, you will probably receive different work proposals, both in the usual work environment, as in other spaces. Your professionalism has earned you deserved recognition, and the respect of your colleagues.
Pluto, ruling planet of Scorpio, will begin to retrograde on April 25, under the influence of Capricorn, which increases the susceptibility to ailments associated with the genital organs, joint injuries and bones.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in May
On May 10, Saturn will begin its annual retrogradation process in the Scorpio’s House IV, warning about the possibility of diseases that will afflict the elderly of the family.
Retrograde Saturn in the Scorpio’s House IV, also notes that strict discipline is perhaps not the best way to create a home. Fear does not replace love.
Mars will enter the V House of Scorpio on 05/13, helping you to promote creative projects and personal initiatives. However, remember that Pluto is retrograde in your House III, so you should analyze the proposals in detail, before submitting them.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 7, invites you to reflect on the objectives achieved, the new goals, and the overcoming of habits and beliefs, which do not contribute to the person you are in the present.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in June
On June 3 the Venus Star Point will take place in Gemini, on Scorpio’s House VIII. The stellar event will raise questions about how you restricted your expansion, hiding yourself in family demands and old traumas.
The South Node will move to Scorpio’s House II on 06/04, imposing a new vision on the management of financial resources. If you want to achieve your dreams, you need determination and create the necessary structures.
Mars will enter Scorpio’s House VI, on 06/27, giving the natives of the sign greater physical vitality and competitive spirit.
It is advisable to avoid physical excesses (as much as possible), since Pluto (ruling planet of Scorpio) is retrograde in Capricorn, indicating the possibility of injury.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in July
As part of its annual retrogradation process, Saturn will move to Scorpio’s House III, on July 1st. With the master planet of karma, 3 planets in apparent phase in this location add up (Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn).
This configuration highlights the transformative potential that your words have, both for yourself and for the people in your immediate environment, but to access power you must be responsible for your internal narrative, and transcend obsolete beliefs.
On July 22, the Sun will enter Scorpio’s House X, an astrological position that favors appointments in positions of authority, and the encounter with important mentors.
Chiron will begin to retrograde in the VI House of Scorpio on 07/11, so we talk about defeating the ideals of perfection (otherwise unattainable) and the illusion of control.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in August
On August 15, Uranus will begin its retrogradation in House VII of Scorpio. If together with your partner you have found the balance between independence and commitment (within the relationship), you can take advantage of the season to define new common goals; otherwise, the differences will materialize in discussions.
From August 4 to 18, Mercury will be traveling over Scorpio’s House X, which favors the projection of the professional image of the subject, in events, social networks and the usual field of work.
In August 2020, there will be no major changes in the physical state of the sons and daughters of Scorpio; however, it is suggested to maintain moderation in the effort dedicated to sports practices and training.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in September
The entrance of the asteroid Juno in Scorpio (09/20) is the opportunity to assume the commitment to the achievement of your goals, and your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
The New Moon in Virgo on September 17 will touch the XI House of Scorpio, pointing to a new team project (or impact on the collective), which will bring you success and recognition.
On September 9, Mars will begin to retrograde in Scorpio’s House VI, where Chiron is located, also in the phase of apparent retrogradation.
This alignment indicates a tendency to suffer migraines, and episodes of exhaustion (physical and mental). It is urgent to devote time to self-care, and rest.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in October
On October 18, the dwarf planet Ceres will begin its direct trajectory in Scorpio’s House IV, an astrological position that encourages the exchange of experiences with relatives, and the link with family history.
Lilith’s entry into Scorpio’s House VII (10/21) may cause discussions with the partner on duty, motivated by the native’s interest in wanting to control what happens in the environment, or to manipulate events.
October 2020 will be a complicated period for the health of the sons and daughters of Scorpio. The relief and energy gained with the beginning of Pluto’s direct trajectory (10/04) and the entry of the Sun in Scorpoio (10/22), will be diminished by the presence of retrograde Mars and Chiron in Scorpio’s House VI, and the apparent recoil of Mercury in the same location, from October 13 to 26.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in November
The lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30 will touch Scorpio’s House VIII, announcing the culmination of an emotional cycle and overcoming ancient fears.
On November 21, the Sun will enter Scorpio’s House II, resulting in a significant increase in the native’s income, through salary increases, bonuses, payment of old debts, credits and lucrative investments.
The entry of Venus into Scorpio (11/21) favors the encounter of one’s own sensuality (eroticism), the changes of image, and the work of consciousness oriented to the rescue of self-esteem.
Horoscope 2020 – Scorpio in December
On December 7, the asteroid Pallas will arrive at Scorpio’s House IV, in time to help organize the activities of the Christmas festivities, which include the arrangement of the family home and the coordination of trips and social gatherings.
From December 01 to 19, Mercury will be traveling over Scorpio’s House II, encouraging the subject to consider new ways to diversify their income, and increase existing resources.
Chiron will begin its direct trajectory in the VI House of Scorpio, on 12/15, with which the natives will use their efficiency and observation capacity to improve their quality of life, without a spirit of guilt or excessive self-criticism.
Scorpio Horoscope 2019: a year in review
First trimester
2019 will begin with the natives of Scorpio being more intense in love, more independent and more invested in their partner. These members will have a good disposition for sharing with their partner and their families. Good relations with relatives will continue in March and you could make favorable changes at home.
Financially, the year will start with good prospects for the purchase and sale of real estate and investments. Followers of Scorpio will want to have everything under their control in February, including money and activities at work. A new person will appear in your life and will help you to grow financially or professionally.
With respect to health, Scorpios will choose healthier activities and habits in order to improve their vitality. Your stress and nervousness will increase, and you could have breakdowns that are harmful to your health and your environment. You will have to be careful not to transfer any psychological problems into physical ones during March.
Second trimester
Emotional relationships will have very significant resolutions at the beginning of the second quarter. There could be more serious commitments or separations. Couples will be more social with their friends and singles could start a romance with a co-worker or fellow student. A past lover will reappear to cause confusion at the present moment.
Business and the use of money need more clarity and it is a good time to ask for help from people with more experience. There will be an increase in creativity at work, but there may be some conflicts with co-workers. The followers of Scorpio will be focused on their work and will focus on climbing the corporate ladder.
In April, you will be more reflective and eager to let go of fears related to the past. The full moon of May will give you the energy you need to modify some habits that are not affecting your health very well. It will be necessary to review treatments, vaccines and medications, especially if you must travel abroad.
Third trimester
There will be good opportunities for singles to start a relationship with a person from another culture. The most established relationships could make profound changes in mid-August. Responsibility will be taken for past events and the need to share with your partner and loved ones will increase.
There is a positive outlook for investing abroad, moving or advanced levels of academics. Members of Scorpio will have very good results from any team projects they get involved in. Work cycles will come to an end resulting in the satisfactory culmination of a project.
A lot of tension to maintain control over everything will increase stress at the beginning of July. The sexual energy of the followers of the sign will increase. In addition, they will want to understand some of the psychological obstacles that are preventing them from moving forward in various fields. Scorpios will change their eating habits and incorporate physical activities or sports.
Fourth trimester
The last trimester in love will begin with the follower of the sign getting new ideas in the emotional realm which allow them to make changes to themselves and in their relationship. In November, these natives will have to make decisions in matters of the heart. They can not be avoided. The year will end with good prospects in love. You will be in a phase of self healing and affectionate with those close to you.
You will be very dedicated and productive at work, but also have some discomfort with the leadership. There will be new projects in the workplace and financially, you will have a wonderful time. With new money in front of you, you must take advantage of any openings you see.
Expect good health. October is a month of physical strength and good moods. Mercury in retrograde can bring negative influences for your health, especially the sexual organs, and respiratory diseases. Your health will recover by the end of the year and you will feel more physical energy and peace of mind.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in January
Love and Relationships
The presence of Ceres in Scorpio, until January 24th, will provide the followers of the sign with iron self-control in the face of adverse circumstances. This planetary position also promotes inspiration, and actions taken to gain your independence.
With Jupiter in the II House of Scorpio, 2019 will be a year for growth in topics related to finances, especially everything related to the purchase or rental of real estate, acquisition of personal property, valuable items and antiques; creation of savings funds and new sources of income.
The beginning of the direct phase of Uranus in the VI House of Scorpio (01/06), will allow you to choose the most reliable alternatives with assertiveness when introducing lifestyle changes.
More predictions for January here.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in February
Love and Relationships
The entry of the Sun into the V House of Scorpio (02/18) indicates the joy of living and the desire to share moments of fun with children or the person you have romantic interest in.
Chiron’s entry into the VI House of Scorpio (02/18) establishes a tendency to overanalyze what happens around you and constant attempts to keep the circumstances “under control”.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Pallas in the XII House of Scorpio (02/18), indicates that there is the possibility of losing your cool in extreme situations, causing nervous breakdowns or extreme stress.
More predictions for February here.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in March
Love and Relationships
The entrance of Venus into the IV House of Scorpio (03/01) supports harmonic relationships with members of your birth family and changes in the decoration or structure of your home.
The entry of Uranus into the VII House of Scorpio (03/06) means that there will be an appearance of an ally or associate out of the ordinary. It will be an individual who will help you grow and get out of your comfort zone.
With Chiron in the VI House of Scorpio, there may be complexities in the form of psychosomatic illnesses or psychological disorders.
More predictions for March here.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in April
Love and Relationships
The entry of the Sun into the VII House of Scorpio (04/20) represents a change of status in any relationships or partnerships you may have which may imply either the breaking of it or a new level of commitment.
The retrogradation of Jupiter begins in the II House of Scorpio on April 10th, indicating that you should meticulously review any strategies you have developed that aim to generate more income. If you want to consult with a business coach, this is the appropriate time.
The double Full Moon in Libra, which will take place on April 19th, will touch the XII House of Scorpio, implying hypersensitivity and the need to isolate yourself socially; but to also move on from past situations which do not contribute anything to your present.
More predictions for April here.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in May
Love and Relationships
The entry of Eros into the XI House of Scorpion (05/06), can indicate a fleeting romance with a coworker or friend, or the enjoyment of social activities that involve the participation of your usual group of friends.
Pay close attention to the development of creative projects, since the entrance of Lilith into the V House of Scorpio (05/03), will be a factor of conflict in teams at your work.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 18th is an invitation to end those habits and behavior patterns that hinder your happiness.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in June
Love and Relationships
The entry of Eros into the XII House of Scorpio (06/18), can be interpreted as rediscovering an old passion. Avoid confusing nostalgia with desire, love, or need.
The entrance of the asteroid Juno to the X House of Scorpio (06/20), will lead you to focus your attention on professional commitments and how to climb the ladder within the corporate hierarchy.
Given the possibility of trips abroad or outside the area where you normally live, it is recommended to take rigorous preventative measures (vaccinations, preparing a first aid kit and prescription drugs).
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in July
Love and Relationships
The entrance of Venus into the IX House of Scorpio (07/03) creates the possibility for singles to establish a relationship with someone from another culture or during a trip abroad (pay close attention to remote or online relationships).
The total eclipse of the Sun in Cancer will touch the IX House of Scorpio on July 2nd, so it is the right moment to channel your intentions towards earning foreign currency, moving your family internationally, finalizing publications and specialized studies.
On July 8th, Chiron’s retrogradation will begin in the VI House of Scorpio. This is a transit that can cause stress and accumulate a lot of tensions. These will be motivated by the desire to maintain the illusion of control at all costs.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in August
Love and Relationships
The retrogradation of Uranus in the VII House of Taurus will begin on August 11th. Unions from long ago will be shaken at their foundation, leading to real transformations.
The New Moon will appear in Virgo on August 30th, a lunar event that will affect the XI House of Scorpio, giving rise to group projects or projects that will generate a massive impact.
The asteroid Eros will enter Scorpio on August 4th which, in addition to being an invitation to rediscover your own inherent sensuality and sexuality, facilitates a therapeutic approach to traumas and taboos.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in September
Love and Relationships
Saturn will be in its direct phase in the III House of Scorpio starting on September 18th. This is a sign of reconciliation in fraternal relationships (siblings, neighbors) regarding shared responsibility in past events.
The Full Moon in Pisces will touch the V House of Scorpio on September 14th, announcing the culmination of a creative project you have been working on and dedicated a large amount of energy.
Mars, ruling planet of the VI House of Scorpio will be under the influence of Virgo, a beneficial position if you want to carefully review your eating habits and physical fitness routines.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in October
Love and Relationships
The New Moon in Scorpio on October 27th will be the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself in every way. Take advantage of it.
With Ceres in the II House of Scorpio, your productivity will be at an all-time high, although there will be some discomfort due to the belief that your efforts are not being rewarded fairly (Lilith in the V House).
Several planets (including Venus, Mercury and the Sun) will be traveling through the Scorpio sign during the month of October, which will result in greater physical strength and better moods for followers of the sign.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in November
Love and Relationships
Vesta and Uranus will continue in retrograde in the VII House of Scorpio, joining the Full Moon in the same location on November 12th, which alludes to confronting the inevitable, even if you refuse to accept it.
The New Moon in Sagittarius will impact the II House of Leo on November 26th, bringing you new projects to consolidate your financial stability.
Mercury will be in retrograde in Scorpio until November 19th, so it is a good idea to pay attention to a sudden appearance of respiratory or viral diseases and symptoms associated with sexually transmitted diseases or diseases around the sexual organs.
Horoscope 2019: Scorpio in December
Love and Relationships
With Vesta in the direct phase in the VII House of Scorpio starting on December 29th, the healing process will begin when you reconcile with yourself.
The entry of Mercury to the II House of Scorpio (12/09) will create new sources of income different from those you are used to.
The beginning of the direct phase of Chiron in the VI House of Scorpion (12/12) will grant the sons and daughters of Scorpio a well-deserved rest, both emotionally and psychologically. However, it does not mean that the work is completely over.