Scorpio Horoscope for March 2021

Here is your Scorpio Horoscope for March 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Scorpio Horoscope for March: what to expect
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Scorpio Horoscope for March: LoveThe conjunction Sun – Neptune in House V of Scorpio (03/10), supposes the encounter with a potential romantic interest, as well as a powerful link with the idea of universal love, from a spiritual perspective. The New Moon in Pisces on 03/13, on House V of the sign of Scorpio, points to a relationship (or project) that is beginning; However, the entrance of Mercury to this sector of the astral map (House V), on 03/15, suggests the importance of knowing the ideas of the other, before moving forward. The fact that Venus enters House VI of Scorpio (03/21), alludes to the possibility of a romance in the work area, witha a collaborator, advisor, or work colleague. However, remember that on 03/23, the asteroid Eros will enter your House III, where Pluto is also located, so you must be careful when trying to manipulate the circumstances, if you want to avoid major commitments. For couples, the sign, the presence of Uranus in House VII, speaks of the reinvention of the dynamics of the relationship, a process that will be energized with the entry of Mars into House VIII of Scorpio, on 03/03. Likewise, Mars in the VIII House promotes passion, the enjoyment of sexuality, and expressions of affection of great intensity (allow the other to approach you, and show what he has to give). Finally, the conjunction Mercury – Jupiter in House IV of Scorpio (03/04), will facilitate the processes of moving, short-distance transfers, and contracting services for domestic repairs. |
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Scorpio Horoscope for March: MoneyThe presence of the asteroid Juno in House II of Scorpio indicates that the native is committed to achieving economic stability and personal financial growth. In this sense, the entry of Mars into House VIII of the sign, aims to lead plans that allow increasing the value of the family patrimony, offering greater profits to those involved. However, it is wise to avoid impulsive decisions. The trine that will star Mars in House VIII with Saturn in House IV (03/21), suggests that the best option is to obtain a consensus among the interested parties, before undertaking an action plan. At the workplace level, the entrance of the asteroid Pallas to House V of Scorpio (03/07), will favor the review of projects that were on hiatus (determine which ones are aligned with your present and future plans). The fact that the Sun holds a conjunction with Neptune in House V of the sign of Scorpio (03/10), speaks of divine inspiration, creative potential in action, and ideas that go beyond individual satisfaction. Like the New Moon in Pisces on 03/13, it will happen over your V House, you will have the opportunity to turn your imagination into an interesting proposal, which combines new and old elements of your own harvest. Mercury will enter this location (House V) on 03/15, promoting documentation work, the exchange of ideas, and other activities that will enrich the foundations of your project. However, remember that Mercury in House V and Mars in House VIII will be in square, on 03/23, translating into some resistance to your plans, by the family nucleus or associates. On the other hand, the entry of the Sun into House VI of Scorpio (03/20), alludes to work recognition; salary improvements; and job proposals (inside and outside the usual work sector). Given that Venus will enter this same sector of the astral map (House VI), on 03/21, having a place of work where creativity is promoted will be fundamental for the native (aesthetics and order will also be factors to consider, when evaluating offers). Do not forget that on March 26, the Venus Star Point (Sun – Venus conjunction) will take place, in your House VI, emphasizing building relationships of trust with colleagues and co-workers, regardless of whether you decide to remain in your current position, or aspire to a new position. Note: the retrogradation of the asteroid Vesta in House XI of Scorpio, constitutes an opportunity to review the ties with your social circle, and the associations to which you belong (do you identify with them, or is it a matter of appearance?). |
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Scorpio Horoscope for March: HealthIn general, March 2021 is emerging as a positive period for the health of Scorpio’s sons and daughters. On March 20, the Sun makes its entrance into House VI of Scorpio, increasing the physical strength of the natives of the sign, and favoring the recovery and therapy processes, among the convalescent. As Venus will enter this same location (House VI), on 03/21, self-care activities will gain great relevance during this season, as well as the enjoyment of small everyday pleasures. This trend will be reinforced with the Venus Star Point (conjunction Sun – Venus), which will take place on March 26, precisely on House VI of the sons and daughters of Scorpio. |