Scorpio in House 2: ability to revalue simple things

The personality of Scorpio in house 2 is quite peculiar. It moves away from the usual standards and in many cases acts in a truly risky way. Perhaps its greatest quality is to transform the simplest and most low-value things into valued items. A virtue that allows you to earn money thanks to the revaluation of the objects you modify.
However, after making a respectable financial gain, the native usually loses it just as quickly as he gained it. He is a great profligate. Also, he is not one to do long-term planning, because he prefers the day to day and rush life to the fullest.
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It is common for Scorpio in house 2 to earn money in a somewhat strange and quite mysterious way for the people around him. Sometimes he may appear to be poor while at other times he gives the impression that he is handling a lot of money. His financial freedom is essential for him to enjoy relative material tranquility. When he becomes infatuated with a person or object, he does not stop until he ends up getting hold of it.
Abandoned or discarded objects are a source of income for a Scorpio. He knows how to make a profit using them. But it is something he does in secret.
Scorpio in house 2
Reckless with money
When doing business with him you have to be very careful. Partners may innocently let you manage significant capital and Scorpio will not hesitate to perform reckless acts with them. He is a great profligate; the native is not able to control himself when some kind of financial benefit is in his hands.
The best thing partners can do is keep you out of company money if they don’t want to lose everything. Surely this action will lead to confrontation with the said partners, since Scorpio in the 2nd house does not like to be opposed. Anger takes hold of him at the slightest disappointment.
Resentment of Scorpio in house 2
In the 2nd house, the natives of this sign neither forgive nor forget. The resentment for the offense suffered is kept among their main memories for a long time. It rarely ends up disappearing. At least before they will try to carry out a revenge that they consider the most just. You must strive to end all that hatred if you hope to one day find the emotional balance necessary to live peacefully.
Bankruptcy tendency
With the aforementioned characteristics about the taste for waste and lack of self-control, it is normal that their attitude pushes them towards economic ruin. However, despite having all the ballots, he often escapes bankruptcy at the last minute.
To do this, he will use his strange personality and his natural wit. When they least expect it, others find simple and unsuspected ways to get out of trouble. That’s how he is, always on the brink of financial crisis but jumping off the sinking ship at the last second.