Scorpio Tarot 2019: major advices

What to know about Scorpio Tarot 2019? First of all, in 2019, the North Node will be located in House IX of Scorpio and the South Node in House III, alluding to overcoming traditional ideas and opening up to new ways of thinking through travel, contact with people from other cultures, and study sessions.
There is a pending task, around the expansion of consciousness, that demands to be authentic, to free oneself from old grudges and to avoid clinging to obsolete structures, that prevent to face the present challenges, without prejudices or preconceived ideas.
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Scorpio Tarot 2019: advices and recommendations
Below is a series of advice or recommendations, obtained through the astrological spread, to accompany the personal development of the sons and daughters of Scorpio, during 2019.
Arcane: King of Pentacles
House I: self-affirmation, personality and its external manifestation.
Advice: leadership. Willingness to build material security, without depending on the favor of others. Optimize the management of your resources. Update your financial statements, avoid superfluous expenses and invest in your future.
Arcane: Queen of Swords
House II: resources, material possessions, and personal valuation.
Advice: economic stability. Business opportunities that you can use for your own benefit. Possibility of serving as an advisor, in financial matters. If this case is positive, give priority to logic over emotion.
Arcane: 10 of Swords
House III: communication, mobility and thought.
Advice: situations that generated pain and distrust are beginning to be left behind. It is necessary to have the (real) intention of closing the cycle, otherwise you will keep active a spiral of resentment and pessimism.
Arcane: 6 of Cups
House IV: home, family and origins.
Advice: joy at the reunion with places or people from the past (family). Celebration of the lineage (ancestors). Reconnecting with home and pleasurable emotions.
Arcane: The Empress
House V: romance, creativity and children.
Advice: beginning of a promising relationship. Possibility of pregnancy. Harmonic communication between couples. If you have a project in your sights, don’t comment on the plan and take action.
Arcane: 9 of Cups
House VI: health, work and service.
Advice: satisfaction with the duty performed. Social meetings with colleagues. Increase your network of professional contacts. If you want to change jobs or are looking for something new, don’t forget to send your proposals to the companies that interest you. Positive balance in the area of health.
Arcane: Jack of Cups
House VII: personal relationships, contracts and declared enemies.
Advice: there is a need to deepen the different aspects of the relationship, particularly with regard to trust and communication. If you are starting with someone new, avoid exerting pressure and allow their feelings to mature over time.
Arcane: King of Wands
House VIII: sexuality, transformation and shared goods.
Advice: passion. Shared happiness. Beware of attitudes of domination or imposition, in the dynamic of the couple.
Arcane: 2 of Wands
House IX: Philosophy, higher studies and travel.
Advice: to end the lack of motivation you need to make a (definitive) decision about your professional or academic future. It’s no use wasting time, attacking yourself, analyzing the facts with practical sense, and you’ll find the answer.
Arcane: Knight of Pentacles
House X: vocation, aspirations and public life.
Advice: before the arrival of a professional proposal, for which you do not feel especially prepared, bet on manifesting your desire to learn and overcome, beyond listing possible faults or showing arrogance.
Arcane: Knight of Cups
House XI: friends, groups and social conscience.
Advice: facility to develop tasks in team, exercising leadership functions. It is essential that the initiatives in which you are involved are aligned with your passion (what makes you vibrate), so that you can pour all your enthusiasm into them.
Arcane: The Tower
House XII: mysticism, karma and hidden enemies.
Advice: suffering comes from clinging to situations and people from the past that are not in harmony with your present. Transformation is imminent.
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