Scorpio: your character and personality traits
October 23rd to November 21st - Scorpio is a sign of water, like Pisces and Cancer, […]
SCORPIO | 23 October - 21 November
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This sign is represented by the animal Scorpio. Just as the Scorpio would rather kill itself than be killed, those born under this sign are in ultimate control of their destiny. This is also life on Scorpio’s terms, as they promote their agenda and ensure that things move forward. Others may find this a bit excessive and even self-destructive, but that is the beauty of this sign: they have enormous regenerative powers, as this sign can even lose its tail and grow a new one. They rarely lose; they just keep going, as they are stubborn and determined to succeed. They work so hard so that they can someday sit back and feel satisfied with themselves. These people are intense, passionate, and full of desire. They are also complex and secretive, so don’t expect to get too much out of them, lest they be suspicious and leave the exit stage. It’s best not to bet against them, as these people are surprisingly resourceful.
Passion is always very intense for the Scorpio and sexuality is sacred. He keeps many secrets because he is afraid of losing control, but when a commitment is about to come to an end, the Scorpion has the ability to turn it around and give the relationship new life. The deeper and darker the deal, the easier it is for the Scorpio to revisit itself and be reborn, renewed.
In sex, this sign is fascinated by the emotional dimension and is geared toward eroticism, everything having an erotic tone. The great pleasures of sex are passion, attraction, and desire. For the native of this sign everything can be summarized as emotions, and the more intense they are, the better, and these emotions can be too seismic. Passion is the word that defines him.
This sign stands out in the professional field as being an outstanding researcher, going in search of mysteries, purpose and origins. It does well in surgery because it likes to see bodies, but also in sociology and politics because it likes to do the same but in the social field. Psychology is also well regarded by this sign because it allows us to understand what is inside each one of us. It can also play an active role in state administration because it has the ability to manage the resources of others for the common good, and in finance it stands out for being able to stretch the wealth of others.
This sign rules the entire sexual part and this makes the sexual and reproductive organs vulnerable. Hemorrhoids are also common in natives of this sign. As it is too controlling, one of its weaknesses in health is constipation and problems related to menstrual cycles. But its power of regeneration is also very fast, thanks to being a very strong sign.
This sign is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Mars was the God of War in ancient Roman mythology, and is the first (and oldest) ruler of Scorpio. When Pluto was discovered in the 20th century, it was also assigned to this sign. Pluto was known as the God of the Underworld in ancient Roman times, so when coupled with Mars, you can expect intense energy to be directed toward people of this sign here on Earth. This planetary combo makes them motivated, penetrating and conscientious people.
Scorpios don't miss much, as they are highly attuned to the vibrations of others. They are intuitive, probing, and very focused on knowing who is who and what is what. They can lose patience (and even get even) when someone gets in the way, so it's best to give them enough space. Remember, they have no fear, and a loss today simply means an opportunity for victory tomorrow.
People who orn with the Moon in Scorpio (click here to learn how to do your birth chart at home) are people who like to live intense emotions, there is no middle ground: it's either love or hate. And they like people who give themselves 100% to the relationship, because that's how they are, they dive in without fear of going wrong.
Scorpios are intense, for better or for worse, in astral hell everything gets very, very high. The period of Scorpio's astral hell is between September 23rd and October 22nd, and if you already have a conflictive relationship with someone of this sign, it is best to keep your distance to avoid misunderstandings.
Need to know which zodiac signs are the most compatible in love with Scorpio?
Very determined, Scorpios are always willing to dig into whatever it takes to find the truth. That is why they are known as suspicious, jealous, and can be aggressive in some situations. They usually appear calm and cool, but this is not always what is really happening in their hearts. Check here a kit of essential items for Scorpio to release their spirituality.
As a symbol of eternity, the Scarab acts as a constant reminder that fate and destiny are always in flux. However, destiny is up to you, while fate happens through reactions to circumstances and events along the way. As you can already see, using the Scarab as a talisman or amulet does not have the same purposes as common elements that attract luck, love, or money, for example. The Scorpion has in his hands an extremely powerful element capable of broadening his horizons about life and illuminating the road of his life.
October 23rd to November 21st - Scorpio is a sign of water, like Pisces and Cancer, […]
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