Seed your Moon: a ritual of love and acceptance

To seed your Moon can change for better your relationship with your menstrual blood! Every woman has a different relationship with their menstrual period, while some feel disabling pain, for others it’s a smooth process. Despite that, in general, women learn to hide it, be ashamed, and don’t create a healthy relationship with it.
The movement seeding your Moon is an individual and loving way of working towards a change in the world. To do so, it starts by helping you change your relationship with your blood. Curious? Keep reading!
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Seed your Moon: understand this ritual
A revolutionary ritual of love
Shortly, to seed your Moon consists of offering your menstrual blood to the earth. Since we are taught to feel repulse towards our blood, many women at first have the same perspective towards this practice. It’s normal, and if you are feeling it at this moment, it’s totally fine! It breaks the rules and all we learned through our lives, so it’s normal to have doubts and questions at the beginning. Whether you feel open to it, or you have profound doubts, we invite you to keep reading.
To collect the blood, some women use menstrual cups while others use bio absorbent. The first throw the blood inside a jar with water, while the second, the absorbent needs to be a couple of hours in water. This blood is then thrown on to the earth.
You can seed it in a garden, or you can choose a vase in your place. There is no evidence of danger from seeding your blood on a vase inside your house, but if you feel more comfortable, just do it on a plant that is on a balcony, or go to nearby forest or park. You can do it always on the same plant, but it can also be too much for it, so you can also put it in different plants.
Ritualizing the end of a cycle
Women are cyclic, and the menstrual period is the materialization of that. Therefore, every 24 to 28 days (or more if your cycle is longer), you have the chance to let go of what you need no longer, and start over, not from the beginning, but on a spiral, always getting higher.
By seeding your Moon, you give to the earth what you no longer need and you ritualize the end of a cycle. It also signifies the transformation of everything you had gone through since nothing really dies, only goes through a mutation, and hopefully, an evolution.
There is no right or wrong for this ritual. Some women make a more sophisticated one, while others just stay in silence. You can also create your own mantra for this moment, do the Ho’oponopono. You have the answer, and along the way, you’ll find out the best way for you to connect with it.
Ancestral roots of the practice
The practice of seeding your Moon is also connected to ancestral traditions. Thousands of years ago, when women had a different role in communities and lived all together, the menstruation had a sacred meaning.
Indigenous communities from North America, Mexico, or Peru had the tradition of putting their blood on the earth, and it was celebrated as a moment of confraternization and spiritual work of women.
Seeding your Moon is a way to make peace with your cycle and your feminine energy. Even if you don’t feel like it’s a practice for you, it has a special meaning for everyone to accept it and respect its a role in the world.