Sigil: the witches seal

Sigil is an esoteric symbol used in magic. It’s used since immemorial times by different traditions, and the concept comes from the Latin sigillum, which means “seal”. Therefore, the sigil is also called the seal of the witch.
The sigil is used in ceremonies with different intentions. Practitioners use it to get in contact with angels and demons, or deities; to strengthen physical and emotional protection; and in general, to perform rituals.
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This magic seal is like a draw, to make it simpler to picture. It is created with lines and geometrical forms, alchemical symbols, astrological, letters, among others. A Sigil usually has three types of sources: individual, when a person creates its own personal magic seal; familiar, when there is a symbol in the family that is passed through generations; traditional, which is part of a ritual or spiritual tradition.
The magic symbol
Witches, white magic, or simple solitary rituals, all use the sigil, and it’s possible to find this symbol in many traditions. Voodoo and Palo Mayombe, two African cults, also use sigil, for example. This explains the importance of these symbols all over the world and times.
The drawings have different characteristics. The characteristics are connected to the goals mentioned above, the deities it is calling, and the ritual purpose, and teachings the person knows. Some are simple draws, are others are complex combinations of different images and symbols. These symbols are connected to European traditions, Hebrew letters, witch symbols, Hindu seals, among others.
It’s important to put some emphasis on the purpose of the ritual. When we are talking about the individual sigils, these must be according to the goals of the person. Consequently, the person can add symbols that are important on a personal perspective, and have a strong meaning, especially towards the aims and goals.
Making your Sigil
If you want to use a sigil, you can create your own. You can also use it as a decoration motif, as it’s done in countries like the United States, but be aware that there is an energy connected to this piece.
It can be simpler or more complex, according to your needs, inspiration, and your personal knowledge of the esoteric and magic world. It’s also connected to your links to different spiritual practices, and your personal taste. For example, if you are connected to angels, you might want to use angelic symbols. If on the other hand, you are connected with astrology, planets, or signs symbols, it will have more meaning to yourself, so you might want to use it. The same with those who are linked to yoga, among other possibilities.
For example, if you want to focus on protection, you can add a symbol connected with an angel of protection, or another possibility is to use a Vedic symbol that points in the same direction. If the focus is love, to some people the symbol of Lakshmi will be meaningful. while for others, Venus makes more sense.
Do some research, but also follow your heart when creating your sigil.
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