Signs of a fake friend: how to identify them and avoid them
It’s not so difficult to detect a fake friend. As a rule, these people give some signals, even if unconsciously. Here we are to help you identify the signs of a fake friend and how to avoid them.
Friends are gifts in our lives, they are the family that life lets us choose. However, some people approach us with the intention of making friends, but they become real torments in our life. Throughout your life, you may have known some toxic people and it may have taken a long time for you to realize the harm that “friend” did to you.
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To help you prevent new “toxic friendships” from draining your energies and break your heart, you better learn how to identify some signs of a fake friend and know how to recognize the true ones.
7 signs of a fake friend

A friend who constantly hurts you
Toxic “friends” are selfish and only think about their own well-being, totally ignoring what would be beneficial to you and that would make you happy.
On the other side, true friends are empathic people. They can understand exactly what are you’re feeling at that moment and they are always ready to help you through difficult times or make your days of joy even more fun.

Signs of a fake friend – They are always right
Fake friends insist that they are constantly right and they are not open to learning or viewing situations from another point of view.
Real friends appreciate the enrichment that debate and thinking things from another perspective can bring. They are almost always willing to try to understand different looks, keeping an open mind for new ideas and interpretations on different subjects.

They just call you when they need something
Toxic “friends” can spend weeks without contacting you, but just need a borrowed money that suddenly they remember the “best friend”.
True friends are always around, especially when they are happy and satisfied with their lives, just wanting to share the good times with you and supporting you in your worst moments.

They try to change the way you are
Fake friends will not accept you just the way you are. They will constantly try to shape you in their own way. As much as they try to show you that just want the best for you, the truth is they want you to fit into their standard and lifestyle.
Fake and toxic friends do not care about your personality, your values nor with the way you really are, the only thing they think about is shaping your behavior and the way you think.
Fortunately, friends only want to see you happy because they can understand that each individual has their own personality and the characteristics of each person should be valued. The important thing for friendship is the values that the individual carries with them, not the culture, religion, sexual orientation, political convictions or gender.

Signs of a fake friend – They are jealous of you
Fake friends are selfish people, so they will never be truly happy for your success and happiness. They will never really care about your progress in life, but only on feeling superior to you.
On the other side, true friends are as anxious and excited about your success as if it was their own. Learn to recognize the support of people who truly support you.

They don’t like to see you with other friends
Usually, people tend to have more than one friend and like to hang out with different people. It’s healthy to keep a variety in your social group, but a fake friend will not understand that and will try anything to grab you and make it impossible for you to develop friendships with other people.

A fake friend will try to waste 100% of your energy
Once again the attempting to a total dominance of the relationship. Fake friends simply don’t understand that we all need some time alone, especially to rest and to have a moment of reflection. True friends, even enjoying being with you, realize that you need some time alone. It is normal and healthy.
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