7 signs that you are a lightworker

Have you ever felt different from everyone else? Do you have a constant feeling that there was a purpose for your birth? Probably, these are signs that you are a lightworker.
A lightworker is a soul who has the strong inner desire to spread light (knowledge, freedom and love) on Earth. They feel that this is their mission and they are often attracted to spirituality and some form of therapeutic work. Because of their deep sense of mission, lightworkers feel different from other people. By experiencing different kinds of obstacles in their ways, life encourages them to find their own unique path. Lightworkers are often solitary individuals who do not adapt to established social structures.
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Lightworkers, also known as Indigo or Crystal children, are people who came to Earth with the mission of changing the energy of the planet. They are here to bring down negative energies and to promote light and love in the world. Being a lightworker is not an easy destination.
In a world that is not yet ready for this energy, lightworkers often feel misunderstood and isolated. But you’re not alone. Nowadays, there are plenty of people on earth who wish to bring light and love to humanity.
The 7 more common signs that you are a Lightworker

You feel that you don’t belong here
They may feel that they don’t fit in their society, community and even their family. Lightworkers do not understand vulgar concerns about money, material things and competition. Basically, they know that the planet has enough resources for everyone to live in harmony and they cannot understand why society does not make it happen.
They cannot withstand selfishness and greed, and they lose all hope of politicians’ ability to create a more just world. Lightworkers feel frustrated that society seems to be so slow in moving towards justice and equality.

Signs that you are a Lightworker – You are sensitive
They feel the energy of people, of places, of everything around them. They cannot deal with false and manipulative people, and they can immediately see when someone is being false or trying to deceive them. Lightworkers absorb energy for themselves and feel bad when they are among some kind of people and environments.

You feel comfortable alone
Feeling good alone is a common attribute of Lightworkers. They need some time alone because they are sensitive people who absorb a lot of energy from others and need space to balance themselves. This introverted nature of needing some time alone is very common in a Lightworker.

Signs that you are a Lightworker – You are empathic
A person everyone likes and who makes them feel good – a Lightworker is an empathetic person. They feel the need to expand their senses for understanding the world, they care for others in an unpretentious way, they are compassionate and like to awaken empathy in the heart of others.

You are always trying to help other people
Lightworkers are drawn to helping people, and many choose to be psychologists, therapists, doctors, teachers, nurses, etc. in this lifetime. Even if their profession is not directly related to helping people, their intention to contribute to the well-being of humanity is clearly present. They will always be involved in promoting well-being collectively.

You respect the spiritual purpose of life
The Lightworkers can see clearly that our physical body and our daily life are only small parts of our existence. They are always in tune with the spiritual sense of life.

Signs that you are a Lightworker – You believe in things that you cannot see
The Lightworkers understand that there is more to this universe than mere matter. Their scientific explorations may have validated these beliefs, since even physicists now understand that there are forces we can not measure that affect our Universe.
They understand that energy is as important as material things and they know that this is not a universe of clockwork and is open to the possibilities of beings and energies that they cannot touch.
Lightworkers often feel guided by these energies, either in the form of intuitive thoughts and guidance, or in the form of higher beings, or angels. They have an open mind and understand perfectly that there is much more to this world than what we can see.
When the Lightworkers complete their journey through the karmic charge, they will understand what they really are and what the purpose of their existence. This will help other people find their own way. But first, they will need to go through this process, which requires great determination and perseverance on the inner level.
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