The 4 zodiac signs with the best luck in 2021

One year is coming to an end and another is beginning: the opportunity for us to know the traditional forecasts of the stars for the coming months. As always, some are much better off than others at this level. So, are you one of the astrological signs with the best luck in 2021? To find out, just read the rest of the article.
Signs with best luck in 2021: top 4
In the lottery of the stars, some are the big winners! Perhaps you are among the luckiest zodiac signs in 2021?
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If so, the planets will be with you for the next 12 months. They will watch over you and their positive influences will help you shine and bring your projects to fruition.
The months of January, February and March will mark a very big turning point in your year. Something unexpected but positive will happen and turn your future upside down. But it won’t necessarily come in a “recognizable” form, so you will need to stay open and listen to the opportunity in order to get the message at the right time. Even if you hesitate, you must take the plunge: do not be afraid, get out of your comfort zone because this opportunity will allow you to open new doors for yourself.
Be bold, you won’t regret it!
You are undoubtedly one of the astrological signs with best luck in 2021. You will have your hands on many professional projects. So you will finally have the opportunity to demonstrate your worth and prove your worth, something that you have been waiting for a long time. You will be in a strong position and all your collaborators will follow you with their eyes closed.
On the sentimental side, an old story could resurface. But no question of rehashing the past, you will choose to move forward together, hand in hand, guided by your lucky stars. This year will be yours on all fronts.
As usual, you will want to live at 100 per hour, forge ahead… but you will have hardly anything to do because the doors will already be wide open.
You will be extremely fortunate, especially in the middle of 2021 which will prove to be a pivotal time for you and your loved ones. On the family level in particular, forget that sword of Damocles that you had over your head. Soon it will be just a bad memory.
The least we can say is that you will shine brightly!
A big project you’ve been working on for a long time is finally about to come to fruition. So you will be extremely proud of yourself and satisfied, and rightly so because you will have gone to great lengths.
This year 2021 will be almost a long quiet river. All the little seeds you’ve sown over the past few months will start to sprout – all you have to do is bend down to pick them up.
Your entourage will be more present and caring than ever. No clouds on the horizon so you will only have to enjoy!
2020: meet the signs with the best luck
In Astrology, every star and every planet has its own and different characteristics. According to their transits in the sky, they form aspects and throw beams to each other and to us here on Earth. And every time we talk about lucky beams we talk about Jupiter.
Jupiter is the giant planet of our Solar System. It rules the sign of Sagittarius and is related to joy and optimism. The planet is also known as the giver of gifts and luck. For all that, you must celebrate when it is in a good aspect with your sign.
Jupiter entered the sign of Capricorn on December 3rd, 2019 and will spend two years and a half there. But together with Jupiter, Saturn arrives in Capricorn too. Unlike Jupiter, Saturn is known as the planet of “bad luck”.
Well, it is not true bad luck. It is that Jupiter works on giving you rewards even when you do not deserve, that is why it is so attached to “luck”. On the other hand, Saturn is a giver of rewards too, but only after you work your butt off and show that you deserve the best.
Plus, when Saturn is in a trine or sextile with your sign, it brings benefits and advantages. And when it is not in opposition, square or conjunction with your sign, the planet can be a sign of luck for you too.
With all this being said, let’s check the luckiest signs in 2020!
This is the list from the signs with the best luck to the unluckiest ones in 2020:
Signs with the best luck #1 – Capricorn
Capricorn, we know that you are not that into parties but you must celebrate the first position on the list of the luckiest signs in 2020 asap!
We risk to say that this year will be one of the best periods of your life. You are going to be able to pick the juiciest fruits of the seeds you have been planting for years. All the effort you like to put in everything you do (under the rigid eyes of Saturn, your ruler) will be paid off now.
Signs with the best luck #2 – Virgo
All the areas of a Virgo’s life have everything to be fruitful in 2020 but you can start paying attention to see where your financial side can take you. In other words, money will be flowing for you.
If you want to invest your money on something new, go and do not think twice. We know that you like strategies and often think too much before making a decision, but this time you have the giver of gifts and luck by your side.
Signs with the best luck #3 – Taurus
Closing the trio of earth signs, Taurus is in the third position in the list of the luckiest signs in 2020. Taurus is the only earth sign that will receive influence of Uranus, the planet of unexpected events. Because of that, Taurus can start the year feeling a little bit anxious and bothered but as long a sudden change happens, these natives will feel better.
Do not worry about this change (we know that Taurus hates the unexpected) because Jupiter and Saturn will be working on giving you the best luck too. The best area of your life in 2020 will be love. You have everything to meet somebody new that beyond making you fall deeply in love, will help you with your financial life.