The Signs that Will face Most Changes in 2025

The sky is always in motion. If Astrology follows the principle of Correspondence: “as above, so below, and as below, so above”, we can say that changes in our lives are the only certainty, and we explain this by observing planetary cycles over time. Discover the signs that will face most changes in 2025.
The main agents of change are: Jupiter, which stays about a year in each sign, bringing expansion and growth; eclipses (the meeting of the Sun and Moon with the Lunar Nodes), which always work on an axis of signs and change the status quo of things, accelerating events or bringing unforeseen events; and in a slower way, the generational planets Uranus, Pluto and Neptune, which, by staying years in the same sign, we notice changes with an individual impact in the long term or with the activation of Mars, Jupiter or Saturn at a given moment.
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The signs that will face most changes in 2025
Check out now which signs will face most changes in 2025:
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