Solar stones and Moonstones: the beauty of duality

Solar stones and Moonstones represent two opposing and complementary energies. They are especially important to help us understand our identity. Every human being carries two sides within and sometimes it is difficult to put them in balance.
Solar stones and Moonstones: going deeper
We are always saying that the Universe means unity, that is, we are all one. But every particle of this unity (and that includes all living beings) divides itself into two. There are several concepts that explain this, such as Jung’s Anima and Animus and Astrology itself, which reports that the whole sign has its complementary sign.
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This complementarity can be explained that the sign opposite to yours owns something that you do not have and vice versa. This happens naturally and complements itself in balance. There is another concept that explains this even more clearly. This is the concept of the Yin and Yang, of Tao philosophy.
The Yin represents the female pole and Yang the male. In the famous symbol, the two parts have different colors and are united. Each one on one side, with a small piece of its opposite inside of itself. We can interpret the symbol as so for each one exists, the two need to be in harmony. And most importantly: there is one better or greater than the other.
Practice your duality with Solar stones and Moonstones
Solar stones and Moonstones are other symbols of this duality and, through them, we can work on our opposite sides. To balance your feminine and masculine sides, we suggest you use two of these stones for a while.
Place the Sunstone in your right hand, the Moonstone in your left hand and do a focused meditation. You will feel the difference between the two stones and how complementary they are. Thus, you will realize that both sides are part of you.
When we accept our duality and place ourselves at the service of the Universe, we begin to live in a balanced way and in accord with our essence.
Just be careful that Solar stones and Moonstones are highly counterfeit stones on the market. Fake stones are made of resin, have weird colors and are usually lighter than the originals.
Solar stones
Solar stones carry the essence of the greater star, the Sun. It is the Sun that is our source of prana (vital energy) and allows life on Earth. It is the center of our solar system and therefore we must absorb this importance with awareness.
The energy of the Sun is the light that makes us shine and be ourselves. When we are ourselves and we allow others to be, the ego is healthy. The Sunstone then acts as a balancer of egos. It will give confidence to those who do not feel capable of shining and modulate who feels better than others, showing that all are equally important to the Universe.
The Sunstone aligns with our masculine side and works on strengthening our courage and ability to tackle problems with assertiveness. Both men and women can use this stone to feel more motivated and active.
On the other hand, Moonstones (as Labradorite) carry the energy of our planet’s main satellite, the Moon. Although not a source of energy like the Sun, the Moon has always played an important role in human life. The ancient peoples already knew of all their power over the cycles of the tides and plantations.
The Moonstone aligns with our feminine side and rescues our intuition. All people who want to be more sensitive and perceptive to what happens around us can make use of this stone.
Women will rescue their feminine side with more strength, being able to express themselves in a unique way and this is great considering the standards established by society for women. Men, on the other hand, can develop the sensibility denied by the same society. And they will see that the feminine side, allied with the masculine nature, will make them complete men.
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