Take Our Spirit Animal Quiz to Find Yours

Have you heard about the Spirit Animal concept of Shamanism? It is based on the union of mankind with nature to strengthen our qualities through the characteristics of an animal. Being aware of this is being able to access this natural energy from wherever you are, to help you overcome challenges. If you do not know what it yours yet, here is a Spirit Animal quiz to help you.
Spirit Animal Quiz
Shamanism is a very old philosophy that studied the interaction of human race with what was around from the beginning. It was believed that the Divine transmitted messages through nature and its animals to make human life better.
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Having an Animal Spirit means connecting with the energy of some animal to act together. Physically or in spirit, think of an extra help that always accompanies you and does not leave you alone when you are in trouble.
Sit in a relaxed place to connect to your inner self. Grab a sheet of paper and pen to answer the following questions from the Spirit Animal quiz.
Find out your Spirit Animal
You would rather spend most of the day…
A) With other people
B) Alone
C) Sometimes alone and sometimes socializing
How long does it take for you to realize how other people are?
A) Some hours
B) A few days
C) Just a few minutes
Are you adventurous?
A) Yes when I am with other people
B) Yes
C) No/Sometimes
Are you working at the moment?
A) No
B) Yes
C) It’s a complicated situation.
Do you like puzzles?
A) No
B) A little
C) Yes!
Which is better in your opinion: cooking at home or eating out?
A) Eating in restaurants
B) Cooking at home
C) Both
Check your answers:
If you took most of the answers A, you have a horse as spirit animal
You enjoy company and always challenge yourself for the best. Likes to explore the world and feel free. Do it in a cheerful and natural way. People usually find you handsome and elegant not only physically, but also inside.
If you took out most of the answers B, you have a lone wolf as spirit animal
You are brave, independent, and happy with yourself. He does not tend to listen to much advice or do things to please others. His power of decision is sharp, and although he enjoys pleasant meetings, he prefers to spend a lot of time alone.
If you took out most of the answers C, you have a bear as spirit animal
You identify with a caring and caring personality. Likes to spend time with friends and family, but also does not fail to take some time alone when he has a chance. People are attracted to the sweetness of your heart.
Want to know more about your spirit animal? Take this quiz!
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