Spiritism: the 7 principles that frame human life

Spiritism is a spiritualist philosophy and religious movement that was started by Allan Kardec in the 19th century. Léon Denizard Rivail, Kardec’s real name, considered Spiritism as a science dedicated to the relationship between spirits and human beings.
According to this movement, human beings, and also other living beings, are immortal spirits that live in physical bodies for several incarnations so they can evolve and achieve moral and intellectual improvement.
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Spiritism is generally based on seven principles that provide a frame for human life comprehension.
The 7 principles that frame Spiritism

The Fatherhood of God
The first principle is the Fatherhood of God. Life and all the universe were created and are continuously created by God, so He is acknowledged as the Father of the living beings and of all that exists.

The Brotherhood of Man
If God created everything, then the second principle is the Brotherhood of Man, once we all belong to the same family. Inside this family we give and receive support and this is what we need to keep the balance of life.

Spiritism – The Communion of Spirits
According to the third principle, the communion of spirits, there is communication with incorporeal beings through the mediumship of corporeal beings. Mediumship is a natural gift that anyone can develop and should be used for the good of others and for self-enlightenment.

The Infinitude of the Human Soul
The principle of the infinitude of the Human Soul represents the belief that the spirit is energy, therefore spirit doesn’t die with the physical body, but returns to the spirit world in its spirit form.

The Personal Responsibility
The principle of the Personal Responsibility means that we are responsible for all that happens in our lives and, therefore, for our spiritual development. We were given the freewill, so we are at all times choosing what is or is not aligned with our own spirituality.

Spiritism – The Retribution for all Good and Evil Deeds
From the principle that we are responsible every aspect of our lives, comes the principle of the Retribution for all Good and Evil Deeds done on earth. It is the law of cause and effect ruling all our life on earth. If we give love to others, they will give us back, if we treat them with hate, life will bring us the same experience.
Everyday is a new opportunity to put things in balance and practice the good and the love we want to receive back.

Understanding these principles, we are able to practice the final one, the Eternal progress of the Soul. The desire and the looking for mental and spiritual growth is the path of the human soul progress. The speed of our progress depends on the efforts we make to live in alignment with our spiritual essence.
According to Kardec, although some concepts of Spiritism were not new, the scientific basis of the work he developed, together with the coordination of these concepts in a single theory, were the main difference between Spiritism and previous philosophies with similar concepts.
Spiritism provide a frame were we can evaluate the consequences of our behaviors and change them according to our need of evolution.
A prayer for the Mediums
“Almighty God, permit the good Spirits to come and help me in the communication that is solicited. Protect me from the presumption of judging myself to be safe from evil Spirits; from the pride which may induce me to err with respect to the value of what I receive; from all sentiments which are the opposite of charity towards other mediums. If I fall into error inspire someone to alert me of this fact; and give me the humility that will enable me to accept the deserved criticism and to recognise that the advice the good Spirits wish to give through me is not only addressed to others, but primarily to myself.
If I am tempted to abuse in whatever form, the faculty whose bestowal You approved, or to become proud of it, I ask that You take it back rather than it be permitted to stray from its providential objective, which is for the good of all and my own moral betterment.
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