The spiritual meaning of a leap day: engage with its energy

A leap year is a year with 366 days. It is added an extra day, also called leap day (the February 29th) to the regular years with 365 days and it happens every four years. 2024 is a leap year, the last was on 2016 and the next will be on 2024. Before we understand the spiritual meaning of a leap day, it’s important to know that leap years were created by Julius Caeser in 45 BC, to adjust the annual calendar with the Earth’s translation and other seasonal events.
The standard calendar (Gregorian) has 365 days per year, while the Earth takes 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes to circle around the sun (tropical year). To compensate this difference, and avoid losing these 5 hours and 48 minutes each year, a leap day is added, the 29th of February.
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Numerology and the spiritual meaning of a leap day
For centuries, the leap day is considered to have important spiritual meaning, mainly due to the numerological significance. Generally, we can say that it creates a vibrational impact or an energy portal that allows us to make a leap in our lives, to move forward.
The proposal of numerology is that, assuming that the Universe is a system, it can be broken down into the basic elements, such as numbers. So, numbers contain significant meanings and energies and can be used to read the Universe, the events, life itself and us as individuals.
Once the leap day is the 29th, we just need to sum: 2 plus 9. Numerology says the number 11 is a master number, since it contains its own vibrational essence, and, because of it, shouldn’t be broken down to 1+1. The number 11 as a very special spiritual significance and indicates an extremely high spiritual enlightenment and awakening. Under its energy, we grow, feel inspired, creative, enthusiastic and optimist.
The number 2, as from the second month of the year (February), has a different energy. Coming immediately after the one, a number of leadership and self-sufficiency, the number two contains the meaning of pursuing soul’s purpose, mission, voice. It is considered to represent a feminine energy, the energy of the deep understanding of life and the energy of teamwork and creation. Under its energy, we can feel love, compassion, faith, trust, balance and harmony.
Magic Numbers
Both numbers together, 11 and 2, represent the spiritual energy of the leap year. In this year we are under an energy of enlightenment and growth. We are more likely to be receptive to love, to feel compassion, to activate our healing powers, to balance our lives, to teach and learn and to receive natural guidance. It is a wonderful year to find a soulmate or to deepen your relationships, as to move forward in your projects and to improve inner knowledge and evolve.
To take advantage of the vibrational energy of the these numbers on the leap year, it is important to live your days with mindfulness so you can notice synchronicities and signs that occur and what clues they provide about you, about your mission and about the way to move forward.
There are some rituals that can help you feel grounded and connected to the earth, so you can take the most out of the vibrational energy and impact of the leap years.
Leap day: rituals to take the most out of its vibrational energy
Meditation will help you fell grounded to mother earth. Seat in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and visualize green roots coming out of your feet to the earth and being nourished by it. Allow yourself to receive this nourishing, this unconditional love for few minutes before opening your eyes.
Live with mindfulness. Do your routines slowly, pay attention to the present moment and be aware of the surroundings, the information of your body and of your emotions.
Spend time in nature, feel the natural energy of the trees, the flowers, the plants. Breathe deeply while walking or just contemplating. Notice how perfect is nature and how everything is right the way it is.
Spiritual meaning of a leap day: A few more ideas
Balance your first chakra, since its energy is based on the earth element. It is located at the base of the spine and although meditation and spending time in nature will help balancing it, there are other things to be done. Carry with you a red crystal (like red jasper, bloodstone, red carnelian) or/and lay down with it below your belly while setting an intention of grounding and connection.
It will also help to eat root vegetables, wear red and orange clothes, practice yoga poses like Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana), Garland Pose (Malasana) and Head to Knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsasana), to make aromatherapy massages and to listen to music in a 256 or 396 Hz frequency.
While doing these ritual during the leap year, set an intention to move forward in your life, generally or in a specific dimension or situation of your life. Ask to the Universe and it will be given to you.
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