The spiritual power of hummingbirds

The hummingbirds are the messengers of the gods and symbolize rebirth, gentleness and healing. Besides having magical properties, these birds are also considered to be a symbol of joy and energy, since they flap their wings with a lot of determination and strength and have a very fast heartbeat.
7 spiritual messages transmitted by hummingbirds

Physical lightness of Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds are lightweight, low weight animals. This lightness conveys the message of a life free from all that overwhelms us and makes us unhappy, full of emotional burdens that brings us down. It also inspires us to keep enlightened lives free of doubts, worries and fears. When we have a light existence, we allow our spirits the freedom to roam to different places, just like hummingbirds.

Adaptability of Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds are considered the smallest birds in the world, with an average of only 5 inches in length and weight of 200 grams. Their size and weight make it easy for them to fly effortlessly and allow them to perform incredible acrobatic movements in the air. For these birds, it’s easy to fly in any direction, change direction and speed in a second.
The ability of hummingbirds is a reminder of how adaptable we should be in our lives. We must always be willing to step back, move on with our plans, or analyze situations from different points of view, changing course when necessary.

One of hummingbirds’ main foods is flower nectar. They are always looking for the sweet side of life, persisting in their search even in the midst of difficulties. Their persistence is an inspiration to our lives, as we often give up on finding what we want quickly. Know that life is full of sweetness, you just need to know where to look.

When they fly, the hummingbird’s wings move in a pattern that resembles the symbol of infinity – number 8. This pattern can teach us that time is nothing more than an illusion of the mind; which motivates us to think considering reasons other than time, to heal the past and focus our attention and awareness on the present moment, because it’s the only one we have guaranteed.

Hummingbirds are equipped with long, narrow beaks and even longer tongues, allowing them to traverse the bitter parts of the flowers and reach the sweetness that lurks within them. Making an analogy with our lives, we are taught to go beyond appearances, first impressions.
When we analyze things or people superficially, we deprive ourselves of seeing the true essence within the core, which allows us to see beyond a possible initial bitterness.

Hummingbirds are happy birds that fly from flower to flower motivated by their goals, and live fully following the most positive path in search of what brings them happiness. Thus, they teach that even in the midst of unforeseen events and negativities, we have the option of choosing to make joy a constant in our path.

Hummingbirds have a feature that sets them apart from other birds: the soft humming of their wings. This buzz is believed to give us healing and energy. We all have our own “buzz”, a feature that differs us from those around us, and we should not be afraid to show it. Your particularity can be an example or healing energy for someone around you. Be true to who you really are.
All of these messages are very real and positive for our growth. So when meeting a hummingbird, keep your heart and mind wide open to absorb your teachings and incorporate them into your life for a brighter, happier reality!
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