Stones for protection: which one to use?

In lithotherapy, stones for protection are one of the first subjects to be tackled. Indeed, during the learning of this discipline, the repeated training implies a sensitivity to the energies around us which is growing. Some of these energies can be harmful, so it is necessary to know how to protect yourself from them.
In fact, each situation will require knowing the most suitable protective stone. Protection is a broad area in which there are different types of protection that correspond to different stones. Consequently, there are a large number of these stones in lithotherapy where each protective stone has its particularities. Knowledge of these can protect your home in different situations.
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Stones for protection: our suggestions
Which protective stone to choose? Here are some indications to find your protective stone, the stone that protects and that will become your protective jewelry.

Tiger’s eye
A great stone of protection, the tiger’s eye releases a positive energy which makes it possible to return the negative waves emanating from outside and to move away the evil eye.
Wearing a tiger’s eye protects you from emotional attacks and jealousy. You can carry it in your hand when you feel an attack, for example, so you can release the energy to oust the evil eye. Also, you can place this stone over your main entrance door to keep negative energies and unwanted people away.
On the other hand, Tiger’s eye should not be used constantly because it prevents energy circulation in the body. So avoid using it all the time. Like any treatment as it is, excess can block the desired effect.

Very sought after by all those who work in energies, spirituality and esotericism (for example Artisans of Light, Warriors of Light, Healers of Light, etc.)

Labradorite functions as a shield which absorbs negative energies, ailments and the burdens of others. Also, it preserves our energy from those who could harm us. It is one of the best stones for protection.

It constitutes an exceptional shielding for the harmful electromagnetic radiations of any origin, for example the computers, microwaves, televisions, cell phones or negative esoteric influences.

Black tourmaline
Black tourmaline is a protective guardian against occult and electromagnetic bad energies. Most of these protective stones are also available in the form of jewelry, bracelets, pendants.
Other stones
- Amethyst: very protective and very powerful stone.
- Chrysocolla: it protects against all types of negative energies.
- Citrine: it protects against the influence of others as well as other external influences.
- Coral: it protects against bad influences.
- Carnelian: it protects against negative influences.
- Rock crystal: it has a very great power of protection and helps to unmask false friends.
- Emerald: it protects against evil spirits.
- Epidote: it protects against negative influences.
- Jet: it protects against negative influences.
- Red jasper: it protects against negative people.
- Malachite: important protective stone, it absorbs all negative energies.
- Black obsidian (or brown): very powerful stone; it repels negative influences.
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