Stress: tips and natural ways to reduce it

Stress is probably one of the greatest scourges of our time. Today, in many countries around the globe, nearly 6 in 10 individuals suffer from stress, which about 61% of the population. The causes are many: pressure at work, financial problems, phobias, anxieties… so many causes that hinder our ability to relax and enjoy life. To overcome stress, many people use medication or certain meditation techniques.
Learning to control stress can take a while, but everyone can do it. For this, it is necessary to know yourself well and to have the right keys, then extreme situations (rush at work, exam periods, family problems, etc.) will have less impact on you.
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Here are techniques to easily overcome your everyday tension, some simple tips to better listen to you and be more serene. There is one that is right for you!
What are the keys to de-stressing?
To manage tension, one must understand how particular situations create emotions and induce maladaptive behaviors that are costly to those who live them. We must start by identifying the most stressful situations, and to understand the emotion produced in these moments. Then check if that is a real fear or a more theoretical concern. Finally, we must find the appropriate action plan. With this method, we manage almost all situations of everyday tension.
Can relaxation and breathing help to de-stress?
Relaxation is an integral part of stress management, regardless of the method. Anyway, everyone practices this method after learning one or more.
Relaxation can control the physical aspects of tension but also regain control of thoughts that are often disturbed in case of high tension.
Products against stress
The fight against stress can go through different ways:
- “Classic” Medications to Eliminate Stress: Your doctor or pharmacist may recommend some effective medications to fight anxiety. You must respect the dosage, not to exceed the duration of treatment.
- Herbal medicine: it includes some drugs. Some plants have proven virtues to fight against stress and can act to fight against minor sleep disorders, tiredness or nervousness, for example.
- Dietary supplements: they are intended to supplement a normal diet and can reduce one or more risk factors for health. They can be composed of food or medicinal plants, minerals, and vitamins.
- Homeopathy: Some homeopathic preparations are indicated to fight against stress and mild anxiety
- Psychological care: such as psychotherapy, can also be useful if you feel the need.
Precious stones to fight stress
These stones would be beneficial for common everyday life pressure:
- Amazonite
- Rose Quartz
- Purple Fluorite
- The Chrysocolla
- Jade
- Blue Lace Agate
- Chrysoprase
- Onyx
- Kunzite
- Sun Stone
- Citrine
- Howlite
- Rhodonite
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