Sun in Pisces: what does it mean?

Sun in Pisces symbolizes the end of the astrological year. For being the last sign, Pisces seems to carry a little of all the other eleven. The Sun is the star that most influences our nature, being the first point of analysis in our natal chart. So, let’s get to know more.
Sun in Pisces: general character and personality traits
Sun in Pisces functions as a sponge, absorbing everything around, whether good or bad. What they get through life, they collect like shells from the deep-sea, to build their fortress.
They can be distracted, but do you know those people who often have insights out of blue and from that they can develop something? As if in the ocean of thoughts and suppositions of a Sun in Pisces, they could fish for something unexpected and fruitful.
They do not seek notoriety and great luxuries, but they are often successful “by chance“. Because for them, it is essential to deal with what they love and so the climb to success is easier.
They are mystical beings, intuitive and completely moved and driven by emotion. Dreamers and romantics, idealize people and a better world, believing that no one carries evil. Sun in Pisces makes a good time to be a little alone and spiritualize, strengthening your relationship with the divine. It is also great for engaging in creative and volunteer projects.
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Sun in Pisces and their qualities
Sun in Pisces makes very sympathetic people. Modest and easy to adapt, they use their creativity to navigate their journey. Yes, because despite having artistic skills and doing well in professions where creativity is required, they take this quality to all areas of life.
Owners of an unusual sensibility, she/he is the empathic friend who will be able to perceive what is happening to you, without a word being necessary. The perception of these people dwells in subtlety.
It does not stop there. Sun in Pisces will suffer and cheer along with you, not bothering to give their time to think and try to find solutions to your problems and celebrate, when everything goes well. Loyalty is also a genuine aspect of this sign.
Sun in Pisces and their dark side
The generous side they have to care about others, make them forget to dedicate time to their own lives. In order to organize their thoughts and overcome bad events, they have an extreme need to understand the motives and people’s layers. It is hard for a Pisces to let go and accept things as they are because they simply do not go into their head.
Since they expect much and seek perfection in people and humanity in general, they suffer when they are confronted with the truth – nobody is perfect. And when that happens, they try to swim as fast as they can to escape from reality.
The life of a Sun in Pisces is a constant cycle of creating illusions and being disappointed when they end. This is because even though they have a high intuition to protect them from danger, they insist on going towards it, deceiving themselves into thinking that people can change and giving frequent second chances to those who do not deserve it.
Suffering is an almost sublime thing for a Pisces, for they “need” to suffer to feel things deeply. By that, Pisces can get lost in the drama, entering a spiral of anxiety and depression. It’s paramount to be careful about that.
How to take the best of it
- It is very beautiful to always expect the best from others, but try to remember everyday that people have flaws and will probably disappoint you at some point. Do not get victimized by it
- Learn to say no and trust your intuition more by keeping people who wants to take advantage away from you
- Since there is a strong tendency to absorb the energy around you, always try to surround yourself with inspiring people and places
- When you feel down, do not hold the cry and put everything you have out. Water is your element and it is very important to let it flow. Stay in the bath tub or take a long shower as well. Value your re-energizing ritual
Dates: February 21st to March 19th
Element: Water
Symbol: Two fishes swimming in opposite directions
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Keywords: sensitivity, spirituality, fantasy, compassion
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