Sun in Taurus: what does it mean?

Sun in Taurus has a completely different energy from its predecessor Aries. If Aries represents the fast pace, Taurus is pure calm. Our essence is shaped by the Sun, being it the most important spot in our natal chart. Therefore, let’s find out what the Sun offers when it travels through Taurus.
Sun in Taurus: General Character and Personality Traits
Sun in Taurus gives great strength, just as in Aries, but energy here is more restrained, inviting you to act more cautiously. When the Sun is in Taurus it is a great time to relax and enjoy the pleasures of life, since it is a very sensorial sign and its regent planet is Venus, the planet of beauty and pleasure.
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Because of this, they appreciate quality and luxurious things. Whether it be material goods, food or drink. It has a sharp aesthetic look and knows how to appreciate museums and art. Generally, they own well-equipped and comfortable houses. A perfect weekend for people with Sun in Taurus would be to stay at home watching Netflix all day, eating their favorite delights.
They are practical, methodical and work best when there is a routine. They like to follow traditions and respect the laws. It is the first sign of earth, one of the oldest symbols of fertility and Taurus is like this: planting to harvest. Without haste, waiting patiently for all the necessary time to see the fruits.
Sun in Taurus and their qualities
People with Sun in Taurus are very sexy, but in a subtle way. They are incredibly charming and it is difficult to see a messy taurine. And even if they are messy, they will still have that intriguing and thought-provoking je ne sais quoi.
Sun in Taurus offers a lot of stability and safety. They are extremely responsible and trustworthy people, perfect to keep a secret to the grave and occupy positions that demand loyalty and trust.
Being close to a Taurus is being able to be sure that you will not be taken by surprise and that things will not change from one day to the next. However, this can be a negative fact seen on the other hand.
Sun in Taurus and their dark side
Because they do not like change, they can settle in unpleasant situations for too long and do nothing to get out of it, out of sheer laziness or fear.
Perhaps stubbornness is the most famous defect of Sun in Taurus. They need eternity to change their minds, and they usually only do something when they want to. They can not bear to be pressured and rushed, refusing to understand that certain situations require a little more dynamism to function well.
They can be very jealous and possessive not only in their relationships, but also with their things. Uncompromising and conservative to the extreme as well.
How to take the best of Sun in Taurus
- From time to time, re-evaluate your life to see if what used to make you happy still makes you happy. Shaking the dust can be good.
- Before always putting what you think as the right, stop, reflect and consider opinions of others.
- Sun in Taurus often make people with a good hand for gardening. Take the time to be in touch with the earth and recharge.
- Exercise regularly. Not only to maintain a good shape and health, but to make the energy flow. If it’s outdoors, close to nature, even better.
Dates: April 21th to May 21th
Element: Earth
Symbol: Bull
Regent Planet: Venus
Keywords: determination, stability, calmness, beauty
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