Tarot 2020: the clues that the astrological spread gives you

The Tarot is a spiritual tool that can provide information in different fields (predictive, karmic, evolutionary, self-discovery of being), when studied with care and respect. The reading of the Tarot 2020 can be done freely, or by means of a structure called spread (specific disposition of the cards), which offers answers on a certain subject.
One of the best-known spreads is, undoubtedly, the astrological spread, which combines astrological principles (the meaning of astral houses) with the information provided by the Tarot.
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There are many variants of the astrological spread, in which the Tarot cards are arranged in 12 sections, representing the 12 sectors of the astral map (astrological or astral houses).
For some tarologists, the 12 sections symbolize the 12 months of the year, and then the spread is interpreted as an annual spread. In the context of both techniques, the astrological roll and the annual roll, the full deck can be used, or a selection of 12 cards (1 for each house) taken from the major arcana, the minor arcana or both groups.
As always, in the Tarot it is not considered that a certain version of the spread was better or worse than another, but that they show different paths or perspectives. With the Tarot you are master and student at the same time.
Astrological spread and the 12 houses of the astral map
The version of the simple astrological spread, which will be used below, includes the selection of 12 cards from the entire deck, arranged in a circular, counterclockwise, i.e. counterclockwise (from right to left).
The execution of the astrological roll requires the practitioner to have knowledge of Astrology, particularly with regard to astral houses and their meaning, which are explained, briefly, below:
House I
The being we show to the outside, our external identity (how we present ourselves to the world), one’s opinion of oneself, and appearance. The apex (beginning) of House I points to the Ascendant.
House II
The management of material and intellectual resources, that which provides us with security, our scale of values, talent and the management of economic assets.
House III
Logical thinking, reasoning, basic studies, the relationship with the near environment, short trips and daily mobility, how we communicate and the handling of the media.
House IV
The home, the country of origin, the traditions, the native family clan, the comfort zone (which provides security/comfort) and the reciprocal attitude between parents and children. The Immum Coeli (FC or IC) is the apex of House IV.
House V
Creativity, playful activity, fun, pleasure, self-expression (how we present one’s talents to others), children, ideas about procreation (fertility/sterility) and eroticism.
House VI
Work dynamics, personal care and health habits, life routine, service aptitude, interaction with auxiliaries and time management.
House VII
The bonds in which there is commitment (couples, partners, close friends) or cooperation, the declared enemies, the legal processes, the formal contracts, the type of person we attract, and the qualities that are sought in a partner. The beginning of House VII points to the Descendant (DS or DC).
House VIII
It represents deep passions, taboos (death, sexuality, crime), the search for emotional security, the capacity for regeneration and transformation, expectations of recognition (how I feel valued or perceive the feelings of others); trust in others and the management of emotions in difficult situations.
House IX
Philosophy and ethics of life, higher studies (university degrees, postgraduates), trips abroad, personal beliefs, self-awareness (knowledge of oneself), formal spirituality (religion), transmission of knowledge, intellectual creativity and contact with other cultures.
House X
Professional vocation, personal ambitions and goals, social position or status, public image and reputation, recognition, progress, sense of duty (responsibility), authority (relationship with power figures), self-realization, motivation (will), and success. The Midheaven (MC) indicates the apex (beginning) of House X.
House XI
Friendships, teamwork, interaction with groups, common projects in which we are involved because of intellectual affinity or social interest, people from whom we can learn ideals and hopes.
House XII
The unconscious, periods of meditation and introspection, past lives, hidden potential and weakness, empathy, loneliness and undiscovered enemies.
The astrological spread is perhaps the most popular Tarot structure, along with the Celtic cross spread, to offer advice or guidance over long periods, such as a year or six months, although this does not rule out its use for minor lapses (one month).
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