Tarot and information from the unconscious (exercise)

Tarot is not only a divination system, it is also a powerful tool to stimulate creativity, promote self-knowledge, define intentions and enhance rituals. Tarot and information from the unconscious is another relationship that can be made.
Images, symbols, colors and archetypes in Tarot (both Marseille Tarot deck and Rider Waite Smith), appeal to the individual’s unconscious, establishing a communication channel. Through this connection, we can find reminiscences of the past; inspiration to overcome a crisis or visualize a project; important data that was not processed, due to everyday circumstances, and much more.
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Although there are different exercises that allow information to be extracted from the unconscious, it is important to point out that these practices do not pretend to guess, but rather to open up to experience without judgment. Although it can be a simple experience for those who do not know the meaning of the Tarot cards, it is a bit more complicated for those of us who are dedicated to the study of them, and their mysteries.
Despite this small setback, it is still stimulating to approach the deck with innocent eyes, and a respectful attitude, to discover new secrets, and the bases of a more personal interpretation.
Tarot and information from the unconscious: an exercise
To perform one of the simplest exercises, designed to obtain information from the unconscious, you will need the Major Arcana, pencil and paper or, if you feel more comfortable, an electronic device that allows you to record practice.
Mix the Major Arcana, focusing on the action you take, without asking questions or raising expectations. As much as possible, try to keep your mind blank, away from everyday worries (in this sense, it is convenient to do the practice in a quiet place).
When you feel ready, draw a card from the deck, or spread the cards on a surface and take the one that catches your attention (of course, without discovering the chosen arcanum).
With the chosen card in hand, take a deep breath, and turn it over. When you have the image in front of you, don’t try to decipher it, just look at it carefully, and take note of the aspects that attract your attention the most (figures, colors, shapes, objects, symbols).
Next, ask yourself why the indicated elements captured your interest. Do they remind you of an event or family member? What feelings and sensations do the images produce in you? With what experiences of the present or the past are they similar?
To conclude the exercise, compare the impressions obtained with the known meaning or symbolism of the arcanum (you can consult a book on the subject if it is useful to you), and draw parallels with the events that generate some type of concern.
Note: it is recommended to carry out this practice, to obtain information from the unconscious with the help of the Tarot, once every fifteen days, or once a month.