Taurus and Aquarius compatibility

Do you want to learn more on Taurus and Aquarius compatibility? Then you have just come to the right place. Check it out.
A couple formed by Taurus and Aquarius has very high compatibility. But before checking the compatibility, learn a bit more about each of these signs.
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The Taurus sign is an Earth sign and its nature makes it very conservative and very traditional. In addition, it refuses to change. Aquarius is an Air sign and has in its permanent structure a constant renovation, and a high sense in the search for new technologies.
This Earth and Air combination can work when both partners are prepared to be a team. If this is a productive relationship, it can actually be very healthy.
Taurus and Aquarius compatibility: how will the relationship work?
Expressions of love are constantly manifested. Aquarius and Taurus represent a great antagonism. The character of Aquarius is quite independent and rebellious.
Taurus expresses his feelings intensely, and clings very much to all those around him. One of the strongest characteristics of Aquarius is that he shows his love without cherishing the other. This might be a bit confusing for the affectionate Taurus and can even be a reason for an argument.
If the couple formed by Taurus and Aquarius really want to take this relationship seriously, then they will have to find here an understanding.
How do they communicate?
The complexity of their personalities is always present in every daily action.
Taurus faces life and its multiple facets with a more insistent and sometimes with uncontrollable stubbornness and this will bring great conflicts with his Aquarius partner.
Aquarius faces the problems of life as a constant learning to get him to express his unbridled emotions, and to have different experiences.
The situations that face Aquarius and Taurus make them truly incompatible, but with patience and love one can overcome the differences.
What about sex?
It is difficult to deal with the emotional situation in which any couple is faced with expressions of love. Sex for Aquarius is something new, where you can experience a range of body postures and new situations.
Taurus does not have an open mind that accepts an unusual sexual relationship. Being a fixed sign Taurus does not like constant changes in the relationship. This situation bothers him, and makes him not feel confident to truly express what he feels.
They will have to work on their intimate relationship until it becomes actually satisfactory for both partners.
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