Taurus and the 12 zodiac houses: giving your consistency in life

We have all the Zodiac signs in our natal chart! They influence our lives in different areas, depending on the houses, associated planets, and aspects with other starts. To understand your natal chart, you want to go step-by-step, and slowly start digging in more information. Once you know your Sun, Moon and Rising signs, the next step is to learn about the zodiac signs you have on each house of your map. Here you can find information about Taurus and the 12 zodiac houses.
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Taurus and the 12 zodiac houses: find your Taurus
If you are not familiar with the natal chart, don’t worry, this step is simple!
You want is to find out where you have Taurus on your natal chart. Therefore, after entering your personal data (there are multiple websites where you can do it for free), it will show you your natal chart. Double-check the symbol for Taurus, since sometimes there are signs slightly changes.
After that, find out the symbol on your chart. Spot the cusp, the line on the left that comes from the center, and intercepts Aries. In the center, usually, you can find the number of the house. Each house represents a different aspect of your life!
Right now, you are almost ready to find out how Taurus influences your life. By scrolling down, you can find the way it interacts with all the houses.
Nevertheless, before moving forward to Taurus and the 12 zodiac houses, take a moment to learn more about Taurus energies.
Taurus vibes: connect with pleasure
Taurus is ruled by Venus and is the second sign of the Zodiac. Where Aries is the beginning, Taurus is consistent. Taurus is the one who materializes, which make things happen. It can go slower, but nothing stops the movement. It’s a cardinal earth sign.
Taurus is also the desire and sensation. The second sign of the Zodiac teaches us to go slower, to appreciate life in its smaller details. Good food, ten more minutes of sleep, lay under the sun… its vibes want you to be present and grateful.
Potentializing Taurus vibes
Suppose you feel you are always in a rush, you can never appreciate life, and you never feel grateful. Or maybe, you start things, but you can never make it through and achieve your goals. You probably have Taurus, and Venus shadowed. It means you don’t access this energy.
There are a few simple things you can do to boost the pleasure and persistence in your life. Here are a few possibilities:
- Wear pink, even if you are a man, there are amazing clothes in pink. It will put the focus on your self-love.
- Create a self-care ritual. For example, instead of putting cream in a rush, take 10 minutes each morning, put a calm song, and slowly put your oils or creams. To make it even better, repeat words of self-love while you are doing it. You can create your own ritual.
- Divide your days into small tasks. A common mistake that leads you to give up is to try to do everything at once. Taurus teaches you to go slow but consistent. Think about small and doable tasks.
Taurus and the 12 zodiac houses
Taurus in house 1
Your Rising sign is Taurus, and this energy is strong in your life. You show a materialistic and possessive side to the world. You are incredibly beautiful.
Check out Taurus in house 1 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 2
Taurus in house 2 influences the way you attract value. It shows your need for stability in life.
Check out Taurus in house 2 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 3
You have a slow and consistent way of thinking, and you need polite and charming ways of dealing with others.
Check out Taurus in house 3 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 4
House 4 is related to your mother, your roots, and your home. Having your house and making it a beautiful and safe space is extremely important to you.
Check out Taurus in house 4 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 5
The house of your passions with Taurus definitely shows your attraction for beautiful forms of expression and creativity. To eat gives you a lot of pleasure.
Check out Taurus in house 5 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 6
House 6 with Taurus will make you search for stability in your job and daily life. You might be a bit too lazy.
Check out Taurus in house 6 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 7
Relationships and business partnerships are represented in house 7, having Taurus is one of its best positions. You’ll look for stable partners that will help you stay grounded.
Check out Taurus in house 7 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 8
This is a challenging position. It shows you have a hard time when you have to face transformations.
Check out Taurus in house 8 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 9
It will give you hints about the courses you will enjoy in university and shows a lot of commitment to studies. It also says how you like your travels and your relationship with values and religion.
Check out Taurus in house 9 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 10
It shows a stable career and there’s a good chance you want to build your own business. This house focuses mainly on your career and your future.
Check out Taurus in house 10 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 11
House 11 refers to your community, and you might find yourself surrounded by beautiful people and loyal friends. You like luxury sports.
Check out Taurus in house 11 and learn more about it.
Taurus in house 12
The last of the houses, and sometimes misunderstood. Your connection with your spirituality and the deep challenges that will make you grow.
Check out Taurus in house 12 and learn more about it.
Taurus energy is essential for a pleasant life. It helps you enjoying everyday simples pleasures, but also to stay on track as you follow your dreams and aspirations. Learn how to connect with its highest vibes and enjoy the ride!